You are all cows. Cows say moo. MOOOOOOOO! MOOOOOOO! Moo cows MOOOOOO! Moo say the cows. YOU COWS!!
Or it could be that some people don't want to date bar flies or people in their existing social circle. The world is a big place and if there's a tool out there to make the process easier, who cares. I met my wife of several years via online dating. Would I have come across her otherwise? Based on our social circles, the clubs we were in and the places we hung out at - all signs point to no.
Remember Fark? Remember Digg? This is what will happen with Reddit. First they came for the fatties, and I didn't care because I don't have condishons. Then they came for the racists and I didn't care because I'm not racist. But then they came for the rest of the site and no one was left
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson