Comment Re:Hmm (Score 0) 1028
It's not a race but it is used by racists as a proxy for race, since most muslims aren't white.
It's not a race but it is used by racists as a proxy for race, since most muslims aren't white.
In comparison, yes.
How are Sweden and Germany destroyed pray do tell. Both are doing much better than Russia.
Because having Russia dominate the world would be horrific?
I don't think I've ever read a sentence of such unfathomable stupidity on this site. Good job I guess?
Also read your own wikipedia link.
Yes, really.
IQ tests are country specific and are adjusted so that the results fit a specific Gaussian distribution. There is no such thing as a country with a higher IQ than another country. What kind of moron would believe this is for real?
I thought the details of the technology behind the hair was fairly interesting?
I wish I still was of that beautiful age where you think that technological superiority and general betterness means anything in the real world
So an x86 based system is backwards compatible with programs compiled for PowerPC? In what corner of the multi-verse? The only way for this is emulation. Which is a bit hard to believe they would be able/bother to do.
You had hopes for an underpowered Android console no one was obviously going to release good games for...?
Capitalism is anything but a failure. You have to be severely deluded to think otherwise. It brings it's own problems but a failure it's not.
There's zero chance of that happening. Coming in with as many heavy weapons and officers as possible is great for them since it reduces the risks in their work and is in general fun and easy. There have been tens of people shot during raids recently including little children. Try to do something about it and all the police unions will go mental about how you hate cops and want them dead. They almost always get away with it as far as legal repercussions go too. The only way for them to get in trouble is to do something against their training. But their training is "if you feel the slightest bit threatened shoot at the problem until it goes away" so that's not happening either.
How about not enforcing the laws there since doing otherwise is a stupid waste of law enforcement time and resources? I can't believe anyone can be stupid enough to think cannabis is dangerous enough to merit criminalization. You have to be basically live up your own ass for decades to come up with that opinion.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.