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Comment Re:People think its ok to use facebook at work? (Score 1) 142

I am the IT guy at my company. I'm not one to just willy nilly block things (ie taking time to block things proactively vs making the next set of tools for my company which is a better use of my time), give people enough rope to hang themselves is what I have learned. That being said, someone hung themselves by using this a wee bit much (lack of discretion much?) and I was told to block it (facebook). No biggie, I don't use the site anyway, but have not heard a peep from the person who hung themselves with it.

Open Sarcasm Fighting Copyrighted Punctuation 155

pinkushun writes "SarcMark is a copyrighted punctuation mark, that claims 'It's time that sarcasm is treated equally!' Pretty damn cheeky while they're charging for their software, which only inserts their punctuation through a hotkey. Open Sarcasm is destroying SarcMark by advocating a new punctuation mark (not displaying here properly — alt+U0161) as the new open and free sarcasm symbol. Either way, this will be one interesting turnout. With bad unicode support across the web, displaying the characters properly might be an issue. PS Left out sarcastic end sentence as Slashdot doesn't display the U0161 character."

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