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Comment Re:Less Successful than Other Reboots (Score 1) 292

I called it "successful" because it rejuvenated the series and got people my age (early 20s) interested who were not alive or old enough when the series first started. That, to me, is successful.

Also, I don't think the Enterprise was built on the Earth's surface in the new film.

Comment Re:Wide-spread discussion. (Score 1) 322

I agree. I just replaced my 1st generation iPhone with a Tilt (the ability to run more than one program at once is amazing btw) and since the iPhone needs a special SIM card, I just used a blank one to activate my Tilt. Whenever I ported my service off, I never turned off my iPhone. This was 2 weeks ago. Yesterday, I looked at my iPhone and was surprised to see it still on and running. It said that it had No Service, but, amazingly, the battery level was still above 50%.

That just shows you how much the antenna sucks out of the battery.


Submission + - Subpoenas Issued over NSA Warrantless Wiretapping (

Spamicles writes: "The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to subpoena documents from the Bush Administration related to the government's admitted eavesdropping on Americans' overseas emails and phone calls without getting court approval. In a 13-3 vote, the Committee decided to authorize chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) to issue subpoenas for documents related to the NSA warrantless surveillance program. Nearly any request is going to be met with tough resistance from the White House, and the confrontation over the documents "could set the stage for a constitutional showdown over the separation of powers.""

NASA Can't Pay for Killer Asteroid Hunt 398 writes "NASA officials say the space agency is capable of finding nearly all the asteroids that might pose a devastating hit to Earth, but there isn't enough money to pay for the task so it won't get done. 'We know what to do, we just don't have the money,' said Simon 'Pete' Worden, director of NASA's Ames Research Center." But hey, it's just the potential end of the world, so nothing much to worry about there.

Journal Journal: Rocketeers Find Large Impact Crater In Nevada 29

While participating in amateur rocket launches in Black Rock Desert (Burning Man site), Ian Kluft KO6YQ noticed rocks with some oddities. Through the Internet he learned the characteristics of impact craters, then found some clues in photographs and Google Maps. Examining the area he got samples of rock with impact patterns in them and other evidence. Previous geological puzzles in the region are well explained as impact structures. Volunteers are finding peculiarities in satellite imagery
The Courts

Microsoft Attacks Google on Copyright 188

The Microsoft Corporation has prepared a blistering attack on rival Google, arguing that the Web search leader takes a cavalier approach to copyright protection. The attack, such as it were, came from Microsoft's Associate General Counsel who was giving a speech to the Association of American Publishers...who have a copyright lawsuit against Google for the last sixteen months. So, an audience ready to hear about how Bad Google is.

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