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Submission + - Is Del.icio.us dead? (del.icio.us)

brentlaminack writes: One of the first and best social bookmarking platforms, Del.icio.us has changed hands about four times, , one was to Yahoo for >$15M. Its most recent relaunch was over a year back, which was their last blog entry. Now images are broken, little "advertisement" blocks show up with no advertisements, things seem moribund. What's the deal?

Comment Anybody ever hear of the crossover rate? (Score 3, Interesting) 204

Any discussion of biometrics without discussing the crossover rate (or Equal Error Rate) is woefully incomplete. see this explanation: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/57589/determining-the-accuracy-of-a-biometric-system
The crossover rate is that point in the sensitivity settings of the system that yield minimum errors, where the False Acceptance Rate = the False Rejection Rate. In layman's terms, you're letting in unauthorized bad guys at the same rate you're keeping authorized good guys out. Any biometric system that doesn't list their crossover rate is pure snakeoil. Run away.
Another data point few consider. A Large Theme Park used biometrics a few years back for their annual ticket holders. It soon became known as the "identical twins two-for-one sale". Can your biometrics discern identical twins? Few can.

Linux Business

Submission + - Which Embedded Linux Distribution?

Abhikhurana writes: I work for a company which designs a variety of video surveillance devices (such as MPEG4 video servers). Traditionally, these products have been based on proprietory OSs such as Nucleus and VxWorks. Now we are redesigning a few of our products and I am trying to convince my company to go down the Linux route. Understandably, our management is quite sceptical about that and so I was asked by our CTO to recommend a few RTOSs which have mature Networking stacks and which work well on ARM platform. I know that there are many embedded linux based distributions out there. There are commerical ones such as Montavista, LynuxWorks, free ones such as uclinux, muLinux and some Linux like distros such as Ecos, but which is the most stable and best community supported embedded Linux distribution out there?

Comment a more up-to-date comparison (Score 2, Informative) 390

I did a presentation at the Atlanta Unix Users' Group this month that is a more up-to-date comparison. It's available in Open Office format. You can also get to it from my home page. I did a similar talk almost four years ago. My conclusion is that MySQL has closed the feature gap with PostgreSQL in recent years. I still give PostgreSQL the edge in features, and MySQL the edge in out-of-the-box untuned performance. I also discuss replication and clustering.

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