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Comment Oooo, Stinky-Stinky (Score 1) 215

Well, Call me paranoid or cheap or whatever, but here's the only thing I see about licensing on their site: Please do not re-distribute this preview version of DiscoRunner. and despite seeing some stuff on Git about Disco and Runner, but no mention of BASIC there, I'm starting to think that this ain't GPL. Not that it has to be, but I like to know that up front. I'm not an idiot, but I'm often busy and distracted, and when I have to search their site and then the web for 10 minutes or so, and I still don't have a clear answer, then I'm not that stupid, probably, or they're trying to downplay this at least. I wish them the best, and commercial software is cool, but I'm one of those that imagines GPL in schools and instantly available to anyone that wants it. It has served me well and I'm very grateful.

Comment Solved in Sneakers, 1992 (Score 1) 114

Great hacker flick if nothing else : While the number-field sieve is the best method currently known... ...there exists an intriguing possibility for a far more elegant approach. ...over the rationals, and hence contained in a single cyclotomic field. Using the Artin map, we might induce homomorphisms... It would be a breakthrough of Gaussian proportions... ...and allow us to acquire... ...the solution in a dramatically more efficient manner. Such an approach is purely theoretical. So far, no one has been able... accomplish such constructions... ...yet. The numbers are so unbelievably big... ...all the computers in the world could not break them down. But maybe, just maybe... ...there's a shortcut. Numbers themselves may be our best tools... ...may be able to see things in other numbers that we can't.

Comment Sagan Said It (Score 1) 138

Lots of variations to be found on this quote The one I know best starts with something like: 'We live in a society ruled by science and technology, however' and the rest I found on a quote mill: We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. - Carl Sagan ( We're going to have to catch up sometime. I mentioned this to a friend a couple years ago and he referred to the unenlightened as Eloi. I laughed hard. Then I got scared.

Comment Emo Emo Emo (Score 2, Funny) 635

One of my favorite Emo Phillips jokes goies something like this: Psychiatrist: OK, I'm going to show you some pictures. What does this one look like? Emo: That looks like standard pattern 47 in the Rorschach series to test for obsessive-compulsive behavior. (doctor gets angry) Emo: OK, it looks like a butterfly.

Comment Dr. No (Score 1) 193

Yeah, yeah, we've been through this before. Dr. No, evil genius with his own Caribbean island, guano empire. Bond on the beach with Honey Rider, bang-boom, no more "interference" with our rockets. Guess we throw the Russkies a bone on this one, in the name of our newfound cooperation.

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