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Comment It'll all be great at first. (Score 1) 107

At first, paralyzed folks will be able to communicate poorly, then better and better. Then they'll be able to control robotic arms very well. As this is going on, the links to thought processes and senses will become more and more nuanced. Blind people may very well be able to walk down busy streets, their eyes being one or two cameras hooked to the internet or the brain interface. More interesting stuff happens... Then, in about 20 years, every kid will be able to talk to every other kid in class, and it'll be impossible to keep kids from cheating on tests. 3D worlds will become completely immersive, kind of like Lisa Simpson's kid. But society will probably have broken down about then.

Comment Thank goodness (Score 1) 265

I was afraid that I'd see a majority of people supporting this nonsense. As much as I would like to avoid capital gains taxes for this stuff, basing the economy on bitcoin is goofy. Sadly, there might be just enough people who own a bit of bitcoin to make a difference in an election.

Comment Oh irony, that flatteneth the haughty (Score 1) 667

If she had used the security protocols like she was supposed to, the Russians likely wouldn't have been in her server. And had she done that, she might not have been emailing the sensitive information that should land her in jail.

What difference, at this point, does it make anyway, eh Hillary?

Comment stupid assumptions (Score 1) 159

The only reason I read something with a headline like this is to see what kind of boneheaded assumptions these "scientists" (are astronomers automatically scientists?) make. The idea beings millenia or epochs ahead of us can't travel faster than light is stultifying. Let alone, that they haven't figured out how to communicate in faster modes.

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