Matt is a good guy.
As far as FOSS businesses and leadership goes, Matt is a prime example of how to do things right:
Listen to your users and not some aloof ueber-nerds. Iterate in small steps. Listen to feedback. Avoid breaking userland as much as humanly possible. Don't give in to software fads easily. If you take do on new stuff for solid and well-evaluated reasons, go in full and manage that new dependency like it's your own. ... As WP experts might recall, it took a decade for WP to jump on the quite very l00ny and bullsh*t ridden VDOM bandwagon, and when they eventually did - for the Gutenberg feature that was a perfect fit - they went all-in right away and made react a central core dependency and stuck with it. So much so that WP is a feasible source for a React-stack without even needing to install Node to build and generate React widgets. ...
Anyway, I digress. Matt Mullenweg took a small blogging engine and built it out to a 7-billion dollar operation that holds fast and true to its FOSS core values to this very day. WP & Automattic are among the top 10 of most influential internet (mega)corps, and for quite some time now. To emphasize: His rag-tag band of a measily 2k+ remote-work pioneers is playing in the same league as Google, Apple, MS, Amazon, IBM and Oracle when it comes to Internet and Web mindshare and user-power. WP has approx. 50 Milllion active setups hooked to the Web, run by all kinds of people and orgs, from large Corps. down to single web freelancers and private folks. That's 30%+ of the _entire_ Web. They are the FOSS bastion against F@keb00k, Tw0tter, TrashTok and all the other commercial surveillance apps the regulars are hooked on these days.
I could go on, but I think you're catching my drift.
So effing what if he screwed the PR-pooch a little? He admitted his faults on that part and promised to be more careful in the future. Case closed. Move on. Nothing to see here.
Matt Mullenweg is a gallion figure of FOSS leadership, right up there with Linus Torwalds, Ton Rosendaal and perhaps a few others. He's been doing his thing for decades and has epic megatons of results to prove the validity of his general approach.
So unless you want to look like a Type-A epic-style douche, I suggest you take the noisemaking and name-calling down a notch or two.