Comment Re:We had a free ver. of word it was called word p (Score 1) 40
I know for a fact that Microsoft processes the data I produce at work - as well as my coworker's data - and it doesn't take a genius to figure it out:
- Put a photo in a Word document. Say a photo of a tree. Wait a few seconds: Word suggests "This looks like a tree. Add description?" or some such.
Meaning Microsoft appropriated my photo, sent it to their servers and processed it without my explicit permission or my company's.
- Likewise, make a video in which you say something or other. Upload it to your company's Sharepoint, then replay it: all you said in the video appears as AI-generated subtitles.
Again, Microsoft processed the video without permission.
If you believe they only nicely process your data with their AI for your convenience and don't let their AI train on it, I have a bridge to sell you.
Because why would they refrain? It's almost impossible to prove they're doing it. So Microsoft, being an unprincipled monopoly, most likely does everything they can get away with, and that includes monetizing your data without your consent - corporate or otherwise.
It's possible they're innocent of what I accuse them of doing, but it's more logical and more probable than they aren't.