Comment Re:sweet manatee of galilee (Score 1) 48
That's interesting, I'm quite confused on what video I should recommend you...
Who are "we"? If you are a Perl user and you subset of features is just working, congrats. If you're not a Perl user, why do you thing any other person in the whole world doesn't need it? If you're a Perl user and really need something else, help the community expressing it with real examples instead of throwing things like that. Or is Perl being maintained and financed by a bigtech we're not aware of and there are hundreds of engineers working every single day on features/bugfix?
Btw, tell what language interpreter or compiler in which system/linux distro/... is 100% ready for the new feature at day-1? I'm a former Linux Kernel engineer and maintainer at Red Hat and I ensure you things like that would take months to reach the base system for whatever language you think is the best: Go, Python, Haskell, whatever. Why don't you try something like "perlbrew" to get whatever version you want from Perl right away, exactly how you would with Pyhon or any other language that has a third-party package management system?
AFAICT it seems you think Perl is useless nowadays, is that right? Do you use Linux, *BSD, MacOS? May I suggest you to check file types on
Stop being so pretentious and arrogant.
(NOTE: I'm not even that much of a Perl user, I am only genuinely bewildered by responses like yours.)