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Comment Re: Accused? (Score 1) 124

One problem is the definition of assault is very broad in many jurisdictions. In my state i can be convicted for touching somebody with a feather , as assault can be âoeany unwanted touching âoe. If the person i touch with a feather lives with me , it is legally domestic violence. Sure MAYBE a DA, a Judge or a jury will dismiss a feather assault case if i have the money to fight it. More likely they will try to get me to take a conviction with no jail time and a 50 dollar fine.

Comment Re: Accused? (Score 1) 124

You have zero understanding of judaism or christianity. Individuals where not required or even allowed to punish people for sin. It was carried out after a trial by a rabbinical court. And those courts are mandated under the torah. Also death sentences are not required , even the courts are allowed to show mercy. Only God was given the rile of the highest judgement. However the baker refusing to make a cake espousing beliefs he does not subscribe to is NOT a punishment. He routinely serves LGBTQ customers and has said he is happy to. He however will not bake cakes for same sex weddings. I am also guessing he would sell a graduation cake to a satanist BUT refuse to bake a cake saying âoe praise satan âoe. I do not understand why so many people can be so dense as to not see the difference between refusing service and refusing speech.

Comment Re: Accused? (Score 1) 124

Yes i agree. So now if you are FALSELY accused of assault you lose your job and get blacklisted from other employers and can never work? Bad idea. This may also be illegal. Pretty soon this will also spread from assault to âoe racismâ. So if you refuse to let 6 black people sit in - 5 passenger car and they call you racist you get to starve. .

Comment Re: So what? (Score 0) 69

If tesla didnâ(TM)t build the factory in NV they would be way worse off. And they still get to collect taxes on all the money tesla employees spend in the state plus the taxes on all the homes they buy etc. The headline should read âoe NV politicians shocked they canâ(TM)t control where private company DONATES money. âoe Btw the 37 m in donations may do more net good than the 1 billion in taxes. The donations will not be going to waste in programs created to benefit teachers unions , police unions and prison unions.

Comment Re: Cell phones (Score 1) 131

Emergency savings has a value beyond the interest you earn on it. It is designed to avoid loss of opportunity and to limit costs associated with unexpected events. When the rioter slashes your tires you use emergency funds to fix your car so you can work. When you get an offer for a big side job and need a couple grand for supplies or to pay labor upfront. When your partner loses their job and can not pay their normal contribution you do not get late fees , evictions , etc. It is not “dumb” because you are losing money. You are forgetting that liquidity itself has value. Sure if you are really rich the issue becomes moot at some point. For working and middle class people or those who use systems to budget personal cash flow is a consideration. Even large companies see the value of cash flow and use financing to keep liquid cash on hand. Your comparing a “phone loan “ to a mortgage also comes up short. Phone companies see financing a phone as a sales tactic and customer retention tool. They make a profit selling phone service. And i can buy phone service from carriers who do not sell me a plan. The idea that i am “still paying for it “ because they sell other phones on credit is not logical when you are claiming the saw of the phone on credit is more profitable than selling phone service without it. If your claim is true , financing phones would be subsidizing cash payers not the other way around. .

Comment Re: Cell phones (Score 1) 131

First off you are simply wrong about lack of choice. You do not have to buy your phone from your carrier. And even the carriers offer plans and phones that are not tied to each other. You do not pay 20 % more for an iPhone buying it on a plan. I am maybe paying 100 more ( depending on when i upgrade ) dollars over the time i own my phone than i would if i buy the phone and a plan separately . And that is on an 1100 phone. Also most people get a better rate of return than .5% on money they have invested. I own a company, so money funnel into my company pays double digits , but a lot of people are getting over 5% in stocks , bonds , etc. Money in savings is liquid. Liquidity offers a financial safety net that has a value in and of itself. A person with a low interest debt ( at or just above inflation ) and the same amount of money in the bank ( or even in stocks ) is more financially secure than one without those things. So it is smarter in many cases to keep your emergency savings and finance a purchase.

Comment Re: Cell phones (Score 1) 131

But the practice should not be banned. Customers already have choices and they overwhelmingly want the plans you do not like. Look i am not poor and have good enough credit to get a home loan , etc. And what phone plan do i get ? Iphone forever from sprint. No it is not the cheapest way to get a phone. But it is the most convenient way for me to have the most up to date iphone and spreading the cost over 1 year works for me. Also sprints “rates” are actually lower than putting a phone on a credit card for 12-16 months AND i do not have to open a new account and take a credit score hit like i could with an actual loan. My point about my dads company was to point out how dumb it is to assume you know better for consumers than they do.

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