While on his death bed, the brilliant Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan cryptically wrote down functions he said came to him in dreams, with a hunch about how they behaved. Now 100 years later, researchers say they've proved he was right.
I have two ARM systems at home. One is QNAP TS-110 1-bay Home NAS Server powered by Debian ARM Linux and another one is Raspberry Pi powered by Raspbian(again Debian -> Linux) which serve as XBMC media center application. They are contrast to each other, But mostly I am not disappointed in finding the package due to its ARM nature. I had to compile the source of eGalax touch screen for Raspberry system (it is DIY). I was not able to find dropbox support for ARM system (it is closed source). Except a very few (not show stopper) issues, it is as cool as x86.
that too being in India, I don't even bother about Netflix support.
In India, at least 15 major languages are there. In most part of India (especially South India where most IT people are there) people don't speak Hindi. Learning Hindi won't be much useful. All educated people here communicate in English, in practical English is the official language.
I don't think it is dead. It is considered as cheaper laptop with compact spec.
middle school - I was a average student, who needed some tutoring, but it went miserably bad due to drunkard teacher who was responsible for my weak subjects Maths and English (My mother tongue is Tamil). He never took class for us, just beat and treat us like prisoners. I'd re-run correcting all these bad elements
You have posted what exactly I am doing. thanks~
Google chrome provides security warning while trying to navigate to suspicious site. Will this be available while generating/clicking shortened link from any browser - I mean independent of browser capability and settings?
Though I am a supporter of OpenOffice, many times I get annoyed with cluttered user interface (derived from MS Office). Why can't some one think of simple user interface like one Chrome did to browsers?
>if you make crap so long as people buy it
it looks like contradicting statement - how come a crap can be sold? In such a case, you don't need engineering team at all...
I think Google try to bring some wallpaper kind of stuff to its Chrome OS which is mostly a browser. It is a trial run to get a feel of it..
Can some one tell me what could be idea behind buying Mandriva for these two companies? I am totally illiterate on these stuff
>This kind of simple overview documents should be enough all modules in kernel will be more helpful for young developers.
Correction: This kind of simple overview documents **for all modules** in kernel will be more helpful for young developers.
Why the Google Chrome Browser 5.0.366.2 dev behaves strange while I am typing in text box? often cursor is absconded
The first reason it seems to be "the geeky look and feel" of open source world, which stops them to communicate with the community project. See all these mailing lists - if any noob asks some basic question, how he would be treated? we know.... The projection of vi and emacs as the only editors to do all these stuff... rude behaviour of many geeks keep the young programmers away... there is no updated docs on kernel tree... In this scenario, if a young programmer is interested in kernel dev, it is great - he is **really** interested to hard core stuff - may be the geek's world consider all these as entrance test to kernel dev
Second reason could be market value. I have supported a few college projects. IMHO the most students don't want to work in a project which does **not have any job market value** compared to VC++,
Third reason could be development tools. The above mentioned students were very much interested in VB
Though I am not a kernel programmer, occasionally I make my hands dirty... I hacked a modem driver to make my ISP provided modem to work in linux - it was around 10 years before - this was my first kernel look - I didn't get any materials to guide on code... just hours and hours of debugging, at last got it done. That is the reason when it was happened to dig through a network card driver, I just documented it for beginners (like me) like this http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2006/07/31/linux-ethernet-network-device-driver-a-flow-of-code/. This kind of simple overview documents should be enough all modules in kernel will be more helpful for young developers.
As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare