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Comment Re:One very good point and a lot of bitching (Score 1) 241

You do not have the privilege to post on IMDB forums either, which is owned by Amazon, unless you do "additional verification". You might think that a Captcha would suffice. In fact, you gotta either send a $1 sms to Amazon or buy something worth at least $1. If they can make you pay, they will. However, I wonder how reliable those reviews and forum posts are when people cannot freely speak their opinions unless they pay first.

Submission + - Sony compromised, again (washingtonpost.com)

Konsalik writes: The hacker group LulzSec on Thursday posted information it took from Sony Entertainment and Sony BMG on its site, called the LulzBoat.

Lulz Security said it broke into servers that run SonyPictures.com.

The information includes about a million usernames and passwords of customers in the U.S., the Netherlands and Belgium and is available for download and posted on the group’s site.

Comment Re:Isn't it obvious? (Score 2) 385

Its an even better bonus that if the random dude of the street has been contributing longer they'll get a bump in credibility.

And random dude gets promoted to admin, because he made more negligible 'copy-edits', (i.e. remove commas, revert vandalism, put picture to the left/right) than academic adam who wrote the whole article full of information himself in one edit, and then random dude reverts all edits made to the article because they do not fit with his world view, and in the end random dude bans academic adam, because random dude is considered a power user who makes 1000 'copy-edits' a day and is part of the inner circle.

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"One Architecture, One OS" also translates as "One Egg, One Basket".
