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Comment Re:Third Party (Score 1) 785

He closed Gauntanamo to the applause of his Socialist European allies... who now wont take any of those scum bags in. Why? Because they know how bad 99% of them really are, and they dont want that in their back yard. Isnt it great to bow down to international pressure... who are really just pandering to their own constituents on topics THEY KNOW the US is right on? The proof is in the pudding.


Anyway. -1 Troll.

Why *should* they take over the mess the former US administration created? Of course, some former prisoners have in fact been taken in my europeans states, but I don't really understand why.

Or was this a troll, considering your own moderation?

Comment Re:speaking about the time... (Score 1) 534

But the fact remains: for people who are intimately familiar with both systems, their accuracy will be better with yards/inches than meters/centimeters.

...except there weren't any facts in what you wrote, was there:

I believe that my inch marks will be closer, on average, to an inch than your centimeter marks will be to a centimeter.

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