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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Way to go, Bruce  *Friday July 24, 2009 @10:24PM  2
   attached to SHA-3 Second Round Candidates Released
Re:Model M  *Saturday June 16, 2007 @12:18AM  2
Model M  *Friday June 15, 2007 @11:36PM 1 2
   attached to Are Keyboards Dishwasher Safe?
Trackpoint & keyboard  *Monday April 17, 2006 @04:41PM  2
   attached to Lenovo & Customer Perception
Re:Yahoo is actually doing things /better/ here  *Thursday April 13, 2006 @07:08PM  2
   attached to Yahoo's Amazing Disappearing Mail Servers
Re:Firefox is the most unstable program in common  *Wednesday February 01, 2006 @12:28AM 1 2
   attached to Firefox Slides, IE Gains?
Clickers?  *Wednesday September 21, 2005 @09:42PM  2
   attached to Building an Open Source "Clicker"?
This isn't very hard  *Tuesday May 17, 2005 @10:06PM  3, Interesting
   attached to Software Companies and Lost Serial Numbers?
Re:Notes about the minority  *Wednesday May 11, 2005 @01:06AM  2
   attached to Real-ID Passes U.S. Senate 100-0
Re:Useability?  *Thursday April 14, 2005 @04:09PM 1 2
Useability?  *Thursday April 14, 2005 @03:59PM 6 5, Interesting
   attached to Improving the Windows XP User Interface?
Re:Movie's already released...  *Wednesday April 06, 2005 @11:59AM 1 2
Re:Triumph  *Wednesday April 06, 2005 @11:08AM  2
   attached to Star Wars Fans in Line... at the Wrong Theater
Re:Novel's Netware failure is their own fault...  *Friday April 01, 2005 @01:40AM 1 2
Re:Requisite Suse Rules post  *Friday April 01, 2005 @01:32AM  2
   attached to Novell's Race Against Time
Re:can go both ways  *Thursday March 24, 2005 @03:38PM 1 2, Informative
   attached to "English" Not Threatened By Webspeak
Re:It's as if icons peaked 2-4 years ago  *Tuesday March 22, 2005 @02:40PM  2
   attached to A History of Icons
Re:Almost useless  *Monday March 21, 2005 @02:26PM 1 3, Funny
   attached to Credit card signatures: Useless?
Re:Awesome!  *Sunday March 13, 2005 @01:32PM  2
   attached to Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Scenes
Re:Hey - my* product is on Slashdot  *Sunday March 13, 2005 @03:43PM  2
Re:Hey - my* product is on Slashdot  *Sunday March 13, 2005 @02:42PM 1 2
   attached to Novell Upgrades ZENworks Linux Management Software
Re:What exactly is the point?  *Sunday March 13, 2005 @01:45PM  2
   attached to DARPA Grand Challenge Teams Submit Videos to DARPA
Re:This dpesn't seem likely  *Thursday March 10, 2005 @02:12PM 3 4, Informative
   attached to Open Source Tax Products?
Re:ChoicePoint =! CheckPoint  *Wednesday March 09, 2005 @11:07PM 1 2
   attached to Consumers Data Stolen from LexisNexis

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
