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Comment Wrong again, FDA (Score 2) 350

The FDA should check its facts before making proclamations about medicines. It is a corrupt agency which accepts donations in the form of sharing in patents from pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer which got the FDA to endorse it's covid vaccines for children and babies who are actually harmed by them. I hope they lose their lawsuit and have to pay damages.

Comment Not all scientists are smart (Score 1) 205

Climate is always changing. We've had ice ages and warm periods as well. It is so arrogant to think science can change the climate. Some scientists are probably incapable of changing their underwear, much less the planet's climate. They also seem to focus on CO2, which is a very weak greenhouse gas. I suppose they are just looking for research dollars to fund the development of models which cannot be back-tested to se how they would predict past events. This is a standard practice for all models to be validated. Without greenhouse gasses, earth would just be another frozen rock in outer space.

Comment The climate--it's always changing (Score 1) 272

We've had ice ages, global warming and cooling etc., etc., since the earth was formed. Climate scientists like to say that carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming, when, in fact, it is a very weak greenhouse gas. The idea of suing someone because they disagree with your thesis is ludicrous. Instead, look at the bigger picture. The Missoula floods were caused by glaciers forming in melting in Lake Missoula many times. This was way before humans could have had an impact on the climate. So, get some perspective instead of trying to be a social engineer!

Comment Can you really trust scientists anymore? (Score 1) 84

This sounds like another scatterbrained idea that scientists want to try to fix "climate change" Of course the climate is always changing, but you can get research dollars for projects like this because of the fear spread by scientists, the government and the news media. Maybe we will have another ice age and they will be worrying about how to fix that.

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