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Comment Re:Good old RubyOnRails (Score 2, Funny) 170

I know this was just a joke, but I need to respond. Rails saved my career. After being in a dead end it job for 3 years, I found myself suddenly unemployed. I then took it upon myself to learn RoR in 3 months because it was the only way I thought I could get a break as a developer- I'd be the only Ruby developer when it really hit big. After building 2 projects to show off (a blog and a business lead generation site) I sent out my resume. It took two months, but I ended up getting a contracting position at a very reputable comapany. After 8 months of work I was offered a full time position and a very nice salary. I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity that Rails has given me and also the incredible support I got from, especially Ryan Bates.

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