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Comment Re:Unnerving with British accents in Russian setti (Score 1) 298

I assume you haven't watched the movie recently. You should watch it again and observe the Russian-English accents, especially with Connery

I'm not learning Russian just to watch a movie and I despise the distraction of trying to read subtitles and missing the visuals, but there is an aspect to Chernobyl that is "off" because of the accents.

Comment Unnerving with British accents in Russian setting (Score -1, Offtopic) 298

I watched and enjoyed it very much. I was in my late-teens during that time period an very much appreciated the Cold War environment and homage to USSR culture. A lot of the education and lessons from learning about the secrecy and stress of the Russian people's social structure under Commie's has been lost on our modern youth. Here in America I doubt very much that anyone under 30 could tell you anything at all about the USSR other than it's a Beatles song on Itunes. Totalitarianism is trendy with the snowflakes.

HOWEVER.... I dunno if I would have preferred subtitles in the Chernobyl show (I'm sure I wouldn't), but there was something very, very odd about watching this show with the British accents everywhere. I would be willing to bet that Russians (or even Ukrainians) didn't appreciate that. Kind of distracting. I suppose they could have at least faked an ESL Russian-English accent.

Comment Eff those college employees and administrators (Score 0) 747

Beyond this tuition and loan cabal of ever-increasing costs vastly outpacing anything else in our society, what is really shocking is the way these colleges teach or allow to flourish taught anti-capitalism hate on campus for the 1% or even other not anywhere near 1% but "rich" people, all the while the college employees and administrators getting rich off the students and building fantastically elaborate and opulent campuses filled with crap not needed for real, employable learning.

This while also using indentured and subservient foreign students at substandard wages and working conditions completely obedient for fear of being sent back. I swear on most campus' I visited recently with my graduating kids all the TA's and near-volunteer staff appeared to be foreign "students."

This whole US college thing is the single most shameful thing in our current history. It affects vastly more people than our current wars, or any SJW trendy moment of rage about a single aspect of our society affecting an infinitesimal segment of our population compared to our citizens dependent on getting a college education.

Each and every person employed or providing goods or services to a college should be ashamed of themselves and never, ever feel good about what they did with their lives.

Comment Games that simulate the repeated murder of people (Score 1) 183

I have never understand why, in a game that simulates the repeated murder of other human beings (like almost ANY game out there), people get offended when someone says something mean or "offensive." We're so far removed from realizing that we are all playing games that simulate murdering other human beings.

I like being an asshat in games sometimes, I like that games are not real life, I like that I can pretend in games and do things I'm unable or unwilling to do in real life.

Terrorists have won, the Snowflakes are in charge

Comment Linux on the GEEK desktop has been a huge success! (Score 1) 584

I and many (most?) of you installed Linux on our desktops many, many years ago. It's a huge success on the desktop of "geeks in the know" everywhere.

I've had Linux, first RedHat, then Mandrake, Ubuntu, and finally Linux Mint as my primary desktop since about 2000.

Given where we are with tech today, I couldn't care less if neophytes can use Linux on their desktop. As far as I'm concerned, UNIX in general won the OS wars considering Mac OS, Android, Chromebooks, and the Internet (which is Linux ran mostly). Let the unwashed use Windows if they must. Who cares?

Comment Re:It's his dog whistle about the cost of higher e (Score 1) 354

Show me bug-free programs. Show me lots of non-tech users commenting on one program of same type being more bug-free than another of the same type. Find me an article on non-tech website or magazine. They don't follow the bugs, they follow the sizzle.

Everyone experiences tech failures all day long each and every day now. I am certain something you used on your phone yesterday did not work today, and you either had to cancel or retry the app or operation, or reboot your phone. Tech simply breaks all the time and users know to expect that.

Only techies give a crap about #hashtagging bugs. The other 90% of society buys what looks good.

Comment It's his dog whistle about the cost of higher ed (Score 1, Insightful) 354

The real slam here in Mr. Cook's words is against the ridiculous cost of higher education in general. I think that's the implied message he's sending. Of course, the upper echelons of a giant tech company like Apple is infested with degree holding (and probably loan paying) employees from expensive schools because you do in fact need extensive education in the sciences to make top-quality products.

To the masses of users (gamers) on phones, a kid that is "in-touch" with their target audience of peers and knows how to code something attractive to them is today's earners. Very difficult for old timers to even understand a meme let alone recognize what's cool.

No user gives a shit about the quality of code. And Microsoft firmly established the undeniable business success that comes from getting your product out there regardless of whether it works or not and then just start patching. Hack that way of thinking evolved into Agile Dev which took hold like a firestorm in companies.

Comment What a dumb fucking stupid fucking company (Score 2) 140

Are you fucking serious? Have a USB key, cannot install Windows Updates. Who the fuck didn't test that?

I'm so glad I only use Windows 8.1 anywhere I can and Windows 10 only where I have to. Yeah, they'll sunset Windows 8.1 updates eventually, but hopefully by then we're finally able to swear off Windows for good. I'm only on Windows for games anymore.


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