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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Not Exactly...  *Tuesday February 21, 2006 @01:18AM  1
   attached to Beware the iPod 'slurping' Employee
Ctrl-S, reflexively.  *Wednesday February 01, 2006 @01:43PM  1
   attached to Most Used Key Combo
And just think....  *Tuesday January 24, 2006 @01:25PM  2, Funny
   attached to The World's First Banner Ad
Re:Argh! DRM Protected Disc  *Tuesday January 10, 2006 @12:41PM  1
   attached to My Last Full Album Purchase Was A ... ?
Re:This is why Microsoft restricted supply  *Monday December 05, 2005 @05:02PM  1
   attached to MS Responds To 360 Glitches
That's Nothing  *Thursday September 08, 2005 @01:16AM  1
   attached to Secretaries Sacked After Flamewar at Work
Again and Again  *Tuesday August 16, 2005 @01:32PM  1
   attached to Branched Nanotubes Offer Smaller Transistors
Practical Application  *Monday August 01, 2005 @11:11AM 2 1
   attached to 19 million Amps
Star Wars Galaxies  *Wednesday August 03, 2005 @05:27PM  1
   attached to Poll: Favorite tool of destruction?
Re:Here's what I just don't get  *Friday April 15, 2005 @02:29PM 1 1
I let it slip, and now it's slipped up  *Friday April 15, 2005 @02:17PM 6 2, Interesting
   attached to Poll: I filed my taxes ...
Let's see, builders, blockers, bashers, bombers...  *Thursday March 31, 2005 @03:00AM  3, Funny
   attached to Robotic Nanotech Swarms on Mars... in 2034
Re:Be willing to "step out".  *Friday March 25, 2005 @07:06PM  1
   attached to Poll: Distance from birthplace?
I had one of these:  *Thursday March 03, 2005 @01:25PM  1
   attached to Microsoft Robots to Watch Kids
Missing Emo-Option  *Tuesday February 15, 2005 @09:16PM 1 1
   attached to Poll: Monday
My answer depends...  *Friday February 04, 2005 @06:31PM  1
   attached to Poll: Preferred Writing Utensil Distribution System
Desktop Entertainmet  *Wednesday January 26, 2005 @05:49PM  2, Funny
   attached to Running Windows Viruses Under Linux
The Multimedia Swiss Army Knife  *Wednesday January 26, 2005 @07:36AM  1
   attached to More On PS3 and Xbox 2
Missing Option:  *Tuesday January 25, 2005 @02:03PM  1
   attached to Poll: How old is your toaster?
Re:PCI Express -- the new AGP?  *Tuesday January 11, 2005 @11:57AM 1 2, Informative
   attached to ExpressCards, the new PCMCIA?
Cheat and Hacks? Nope  *Thursday December 16, 2004 @03:25PM 2 1
   attached to Poll: Do you use cheats/hacks in online games?
PacMan  *Monday December 13, 2004 @06:28PM 1 2, Funny
   attached to Poll: Video game world I want to live in:
The Slashdot Effect  *Thursday December 09, 2004 @03:00PM  1
   attached to Poll: What Will Kill The Internet?
Oxymoronic statements?  *Friday December 03, 2004 @04:37PM  1
   attached to Poll: Favorite Pet Peeve?

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
