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Comment Re:Not that it matters ... (Score 1) 505

If an ice cube floating in a glass of water melts, the water will still be at the same level afterwards.

If a floating iceberg melts, it will add water to the oceans, causing the average water level to be the same.

However, there is still more water in motion, so the effect of the tide will probably be larger.

(Also, I was under the impression that the Antarctic ice wasn't floating? Or maybe this section was?)

I read recently (i think it was on the naked scientist) that these large masses of ice have a small gravitational field. They pull water close to them. When the ice bergs break up, they lose mass and gravity. The article was suggesting that water levels will rise because the water that was pulled by the icebergs will now be in the ocean.

Comment Re:June... (Score 4, Insightful) 429

On a different note, this is a sad day for those owning AAPL shares - expect them to plunge even further than they have over the past year.

Ohh and I don't know it might also be a sad day for his family. Let's get some perspective here. He has serious health issues and people seem to care more about the stock prices.

Comment Facebook has been slow (Score 1) 178

I've noticed a general slow down and unresponsiveness in facebook. It started when they rolled out the new fully ajaxified UI a few months back.

I figured the slow down was caused by the ajax but maybe it was the 600,000 new users getting added per day.

I hope facebook speeds up.

Comment People will not abandon XP for mac/linux (Score 2, Insightful) 907

"'Forcing customers to go someplace they don't want to go by raising prices is a Christmas present for Apple and those that are positioning Linux on the desktop.'""

I've heard this argument before but it just doesn't make sense. Here's why:

I am a computer user that uses windows. I can buy a machine with windows, a good one, for $500 or less. But its got, vista, I don't like vista. So what do most slashdotters think will happen next?

1) abandon windows and buy a mac that costs twice as much as a windows pc
2) abandon windows and buy a cheaper pc running linux
3) user buys vista machine for $500

I would say a normal rational shopper would go with number 3.

Here's why 1 wouldn't be an option.
It is irrational to pay twice as much for a computer that does basically the same thing and has a much different interface.

Here's why 2 wouldn't be an option.
The shopper is less likely to find a computer running linux for sale in a store or online, if they weren't specifically shopping for a linux pc. In addition, if they knew anything about linux they would realize it can't run word, internet explorer, itunes or most of the other programs they want without a high level of expertise.

Here's why 3 would be the choice:
Its available. Vista is easier to transition to if you are already familiar with windows xp. The price is cheaper than mac. You can run most of your programs you want on it.

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