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Comment Re:Who votes in those bozo politicicans? (Score 1) 555

The problem is that the Triange is only one small area represented by a few state legislators...The vast majority of NC is still very rural and mired in the old south's Good Old Boy way of thinking. There are two very different North Carolina's...urban and rural. Just look at the split on the voting on the gay marriage issue. The Charlotte and Triangle regions heavily against the gay marriage ban, but most other counties were heavily for it.

Comment Re:Extreme racing (Score 5, Interesting) 91

If this were true, F1 cars would be alot faster and more powerful (remember the turbo era of the 1980s?). F1 is about using the most advanced engineering and technology to meet the limitations of the "Formula". the "1" is just that its the formula that allows for the fastest cars, but its still limiting by its nature. The details of that formula is not important, so F1 could go electric. Having said that, the long history of F1, its connection with the evolution of IC engines and people not liking their sports screwed with, I suspect Formula E will separate.

Comment Alien Base!! (Score 2) 49

A hexagon!? Clearly that has to be the work of intelligent beings. There must be some sort of alien presence on Saturn. The clouds probably hide the base they have used to observe for centuries. I hope the History channel's Ancient Aliens puts some of their first class investigative journalists and deductive scientists on this right away.

Comment Thank you transplant!! (Score 1) 524

4 years ago I was in the ICU on dialysis. A liver transplant saved my life and I am now healthy and active again, but financially insolvent. I have more medical debt than I can every repay. The health care crisis is looming an I have a first person perspective. We have a major problem. Medicine and technology have progressed to the point where we can do incredible amazing things, but at staggering cost. Our current system of balancing the premiums payed by the healthy majority against the costs of infirmed minority is no longer viable. We face a moral dilemma, should we tell people that they could be helped but won't be because its too expensive? If not, how do we pay for it?

Submission + - Sandia's floating, spinning heatsink (

An anonymous reader writes: Sandia Research Laboratory believes it has come up with a much more efficient solution than heatsink-fan cooling a CPU that simply combines the heatsink and fan components into a single unit. What you effectively get is a spinning heatsink.

The new design is called the Sandia Cooler. It spins at just 2,000 RPM and sits a thousandth of an inch above the processor. Sandia claim this setup is extremely efficient at drawing heat away from the chip, in the order of 30x more efficient than your typical heatsink-fan setup. The Sandia Cooler works by using a hydrodynamic air bearing. What that means is when it spins up the cooler actually becomes self supporting and floats above the chip (hence the thousandth of an inch clearance). Cool air is drawn down the center of the cooler and then ejected at the edges of the fins taking the heat with it. And as the whole unit spins, you aren’t going to get dust build up (ever).

Comment Need bile ducts! (Score 5, Informative) 129

Unfortunately, the bile ducts are an important part of what the liver does, i.e. produce bile, which we need to digest fats. Furthermore, bile is used to remove bilirubin, a was product of the liver tearing down red blood cells. An excess of bilirubin is what makes people with liver problems turn yellow. This does seem like a great step forward in growing organs however. The liver is one of the most complex organs in the body.

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