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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:It flew under the radar  *Thursday July 10, 2008 @01:04PM  1
   attached to Best Buy Is Selling Ubuntu
Actually  *Monday May 28, 2007 @02:40AM  1
   attached to Free Ads Can Be Really Expensive
Re:Thats funny......  *Saturday May 19, 2007 @04:29AM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Blizzard Announces StarCraft 2
windoze  *Friday April 06, 2007 @03:48AM  1
   attached to How Long Does it Take You to Tweak a New Box?
Re:What part of  *Tuesday March 13, 2007 @12:19AM 1 1
   attached to Broadband Providers' Hidden Bandwidth Limits
barely escaped? no..  *Tuesday January 16, 2007 @01:29AM  1
   attached to Fighting Porn Vs. Ruining Innocent Lives
Re:Don't destroy the evidence, let them do it for   *Friday August 25, 2006 @11:33AM 1 1
   attached to P2P Defendant Destroys Evidence, Case Defaults
Re:Consumers Union and Linux  *Tuesday August 22, 2006 @04:19PM  1
   attached to Consumer Reports Creates Viruses to Test Software
Re:In case of /.'ing  *Monday June 05, 2006 @01:13AM  1
   attached to Bellagio Fountains Recreated with Mentos and Coke
i can see it now  *Sunday March 19, 2006 @02:54AM 1 1
   attached to Playing The Escape
score!  *Thursday March 16, 2006 @05:47PM  0, Offtopic
   attached to Sony Decides Against Blu-Ray Downsampling
Re:well this is a problem but..  *Wednesday February 22, 2006 @12:18AM  1
well this is a problem but..  *Tuesday February 21, 2006 @09:49PM 5 4, Insightful
   attached to In-Car Navigation Systems Too Distracting?
heh  *Monday February 20, 2006 @01:31AM 2 2, Funny
   attached to Beware the iPod 'slurping' Employee
possible, HIGHLY improbable.  *Thursday February 16, 2006 @03:02PM  1
   attached to Apple to 'Switch' to Windows?
wow  *Thursday February 02, 2006 @11:18PM  1
   attached to AOL to Charge Senders for Incoming Email
publishers have been doing this for centuries..  *Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:03AM 1 3, Interesting
   attached to Publishers Say 'Fact-Checking Too Costly'
yeah  *Wednesday January 25, 2006 @08:54PM 3 2, Insightful
   attached to Independents Push For Second Firefly Season
Re:Oddly enough...  *Wednesday January 25, 2006 @09:49AM  1
   attached to Training - A Company or a Worker's Responsibility?
wow  *Sunday January 22, 2006 @02:19AM  1
   attached to UCLA Students Urged to Expose 'Radical' Professors
I tried this once  *Thursday January 19, 2006 @12:05AM  3, Funny
   attached to Computer Science Students Outsource Homework
from digg  *Wednesday January 18, 2006 @11:59PM 2 0, Redundant
   attached to MythBusters - The Lost Experiments
malcolm gladwell, anyone?  *Tuesday January 17, 2006 @02:53PM  1
   attached to Web Users Judge Sites in the Blink of an Eye
erm  *Thursday January 12, 2006 @07:36PM  2, Funny
   attached to Spam is Dead

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
