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New All-Solid Sulfur Based Battery Outperforms Lithium Ion 322

olsmeister writes "The new all-solid battery design uses solid sulfur and lithium, and outperforms existing lithium-ion batteries with four times the energy density. The battery can maintain a capacity of 1200 milliampere-hours per gram after 300 charge-discharge cycles. More work needs to be done, but one would think this new technology could have applications in renewable energy storage, electric cars, and consumer electronics."

Comment Re:links to NIST (Score 1) 134

Why would an optimized (optimized for run time speed? optimized for low memory footprint while running? optimized to minimize the likeliness of hash collisions) version of the same BLAKE entrant be more useful?

BLAKE2 is an improved version of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. Like BLAKE or SHA-3, BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires at least 33% less RAM than SHA-2 or SHA-3 on low-end systems. I can find applications in cloud storage, software distribution, host-based intrusion detection, digital forensics, revision control and embedded systems https://blake2.net/blake2_20121223.pdf

Comment My extensive experince (Score 1) 660

I have used my Nokia N900 for over two years. I have used my Galaxy Note for over 9 months. I hope my next phone will have a bigger screen, hardware keyboard, and a linux based OS. Get your Iphone if that's what YOU want, but please, let ME and the rest of us who prefer mobile phoning computers have them, they are great. I would jump any time to a N900 with a 6" screen. That's the beauty of choice.

Submission + - Android Tablets Were Born Too Soon

adeelarshad82 writes: When you look at the Apple iPad's sales figures, it's not hard to see why every technology company on the planet is jumping on the tablet bandwagon, alot of which are Android tablets. Unfortunatley though, some of these Android tablets were born way too early. They are haunted with a series of problems including flimsy hardware, low-quality resistive touch screens, serious display resolution issues, and old Android versions with limited or non-existent access to apps. Even the Samsung Galaxy Tab came well before it's time. Even though it's fast, well-designed, and comes with a decent Android implementation, it's functionalities are limited to those of an Android smartphone. So here's to hoping that Honeycomb's functionalities make up for the lost ground.

Comment Re:/tmp and /var/tmp (Score 1) 303

Linux has tmpfs which is much better than a ramdisk and uses virtual memory assigned dynamically. From wikipedia tmpfs is supported by the Linux kernel from version 2.4 and up.[3] tmpfs (previously known as shmfs) distinguishes itself from the Linux ramdisk device by allocating memory dynamically and by allowing less-used pages to be moved onto swap space. ramfs, in contrast, does not make use of swap (which can be an advantage or disadvantage). In addition, MFS and some older versions of ramfs did not grow and shrink dynamically and instead used a fixed amount of memory at all times. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TMPFS

Alan Turing Gets an Apology From Prime Minister Brown 576

99luftballon writes "The British government has officially apologized for the treatment of Alan Turing in the post war era. An online petition got more than enough signatures to force an official statement and Prime Minister Gordon Brown has issued a lengthy apology. 'Thousands of people have come together to demand justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the appalling way he was treated. While Turing was dealt with under the law of the time and we can't put the clock back, his treatment was of course utterly unfair and I am pleased to have the chance to say how deeply sorry I and we all are for what happened to him. So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better.'"

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