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Comment Re:Canonical vs. Red Hat (Score 1) 319

Red Hat (and the Fedora project) is trying to prevent the balkanization of Linux userspace with projects like systemd, which only Ubuntu rejects.

Only Ubuntu rejects systemd ? As far as I know only three distros adopted systemd so far: Fedora (after all it is developed by their community), Arch (as it tends to rush toward shiny new anything (not necessarily a bad thing)), and OpenSuse (I don't have really any satisfying explanation for that move). Fedora is RedHat's testbed, and they've been known to drop tested techs before inclusion into RedHat.

From my point of view, the only project "balkanized" by systemd is GNOME, I don't get why a Desktop Environment would consider a hard-depend on a specific init daemon (if systemd can still be considered that, after including an httpd, some qrcode libs and a hard-depend to dbus).

Furthermore, having glanced over systemd sourcecode, I wouldn't consider it maintainable for the time being (it is a hardcoded feast ... for a few examples).

Linux Business

Submission + - It's real: Dell sells PCs with Ubuntu preinstalled

javipas writes: "Today could mark a turning point for the history of Linux. Dell will start today 4pm CST selling three machines with Ubuntu 7.04 preinstalled. The two desktops (XPS 410n, $899 and Dimension E520n, $599) and the notebook (Inspiron E1505n, $599)will be the first three machines with the popular Linux distribution installed by default. Dell has announced that they will provide hardware support, and they've created a new site devoted to give further Linux support and updates. At the moment the offer is available in the US, but we all hope the rest of the world can enjoy it very soon. Good luck!"

Submission + - Holocaust Dropped From UK Schools

dteichman2 writes: "It appears that UK schools are ignoring The Holocaust. A government-backed study, funded by the Department for Education and Skills, found that some teachers are reluctant to teach history lessons on The Holocaust for fear of offending Muslim students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial. As such, many schools are not covering the subject. Additionally, similar problems are being met with lessons on The Crusades because these lessons contradict teachings from local mosques.

Isn't there a law that requires UK schools to cover these topics? Should there be?"

Submission + - Microsoft "too busy to name Linux patents"

bob_dinosaur writes: According to The Register, Microsoft's Patent Attorney Jim Markwith told the Open Source Business Conference that the reason they hadn't named the 235 supposedly infringing patents was "The response of that would be administratively impossible to keep up with." The Register is suitably skeptical.

Submission + - MS security guy wants Vista bugs rated down

jcatcw writes: "Gregg Keizer reports that Michael Howard, an MS senior security program manager, says that the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) is being too conservative in its Vista vulnerability rating plans. Microsoft's own bug hunters should cut Windows Vista some slack and rate its vulnerabilities differently because of the operating system's new, baked-in defenses."

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