It has been mentioned in the media here in Norway, but it's really not part of the discussion about why he did this. His political beliefs (anti-Islam, anti-Labour Party, etc) is the focus now. In addition to how much of a lunatic this guy really is.
The manifesto is full of details about just about everything, so it's easy to pick one small thing and focus on just that. Remember that this document is something he put together and published before the bomb and shooting, knowing that it would be read trying to find an explanation for what he did. If he expected to die, this was to be his legacy, I guess. So who knows how much of it is true and how much is how he wanted us to look at things.
With the data retention directive in the EU, the government is already tracking your phone's location. Maybe you should do the same if you at some point need to prove the government wrong?
On are more serious note, could this file be a fallback for apps that use location based services in iOS? Say an app uses the API to find the current position. iOS tries to fetch the current position using GPS or cell tower position, and if that somehow fails or takes time, it checks this file as a last resort. The file contains historical information as I understand it, so obviously it contains more info than it should.
I'm sure they appreciate a link on
Now if I could only remember the name of the fish that they put into the cans, where the fermentation turns the cans into a hand grenade form . .
You're thinking of Surströmming. I'd link to Wikipedia but
If you ever visit Oslo, Norway, check out the place Tilt (pictures). They have 15 machines, selected from the owners' collection of 230.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.