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Comment Feel sad (Score 1) 83

I met and chatted to so many friends there. I met my best friend there. She changed my world and taught me so much. She's gone now. I miss her more than I can put into words. So many years we chatted via ICQ: we joked, laughed, cried, shared our hopes and dreams, talked about everything imaginable both silly and serious. I haven't thought about ICQ for years. Surprised it's still going. For me this is like one last bright ember of what once was, of her, fading into the night as the moon looks on. Goodbye, goodnight, ICQ, and Raquel.

Comment It's not aliens but we don't know what it is? (Score 1) 120

If they don't know what it is then how can they say it isn't aliens? To me, this seems very unscientific. We are supposed to approach the problem with an open mind without bias. Is it scientifically possible, likely even, that there is life out there besides our own? Yes. Is it possible that they could visit our world? Yes. So it could be aliens? To be clear, I am not saying it's aliens or even that it's likely to be aliens. What I am saying is you can't rule out the possibility that it is aliens. It's one of the possibilities even if it's an unlikely one. If you don't know what it is then how can you say what it isn't? We don't know what it is but we decided it isn't this thing isn't science.

Comment Not my experience so far (Score 1) 51

I'm actually finding bard is better. In my own, admittedly limited, experiment I've found it to be far better. I'm asking the same question to both and keeping score. So far it's 5 - 0 to bard. For reference I'm still using 3.5 gtp though. But bard is just faster and the ability to Google from the answer is great.

Comment Great opportunity!! (Score 1) 37

I am excited..this is a great opportunity to really dive deep into finding out absolutely everything there is to know. I hope that there will be no mystery or intrigue left. Where did they get the cat? How did the cat get its name? Why did they choose to have Spaghetti that night? Was it pasta night or did they just love that dish? Who did do the dishes? Who mopped up the blood after the dishes? What is the alien's favourite song and does it ever secretly wish it was pretty?

Comment Surprise. (Score 2) 691

"Trump Attacks Legitimate Vote-Counting Efforts and Claims Fraud Without Basis." Big surprise said nobody. Next up, refusing to leave the White House? It honestly wouldn't surprise me. I'm not from the U.S but are there not laws against this sort of thing? Whatever happens, even if Biden wins, the damage is done. He has sown doubt in the Democratic process and worst still set dangerous precedents. Before politicians might bend the truth but outright lying and plain making shit up wasn't something you saw. Not saying it never happens just that it would be an outlier. Now Trump has shown that not only can you do it but it works. Others will do it too just the way executive orders have been abused by previous presidents and now they all do it. This is something that can't easily be put back into the box. Even if Biden wins the polarization and the derailing of decorative processes by lobbying and social media will continue to be a massive problem. Before the World Wars, the gap between the rich and powerful was huge. The rich got richer while the poor got shafted which gave birth to social unrest, communism, anarchy, revolutions and ultimately 2 world wars. History repeats. The rise in fascist populists like Trump will continue unless these issues are addressed... Which of course they won't be. Yeah, it will be wonderful if Biden wins but I fear for the future. It's a start but I am afraid it won't be nearly enough. Something radical has to happen. Trump is a symptom not the cause of the sickness. Trump, fortunately, is an utter fucking idiot but what happens if the next one uses his playbook and isn't dumb? The answer is you're fucked. Unless steps are taken NOW to shore up democracy another Trump will rise and next time you may not be so lucky.

Comment Disney+ (Score 1) 35

I didn't need all the 7 days to find out Disney+ was rubbish. It only took a day. Well, less than a day; it was more like an hour. Yeah, Netflix probably should have ended the free trial long ago. There probably isn't anybody now that doesn't know what Netflix is or has a good idea of what they would be getting. Of all the streaming services, I still think it has the best content. I sub and unsub from the others when they have something I think is worth watching. When Disney gets the Mandolorian again then I'll sub for a month. I am not sure how interested I am with the Marvel stuff but have an open mind. If it gets rave reviews then I'll try it.

Comment My own experience (Score 1) 67

I can't speak to Google's strategy but I can talk about my own experience. I got the Pixel 3 and it's James form easily the worst phone I've ever owned. The camera was great! But everything else was awful. It was so bad I ended up buying a new phone -and I've never done that before.

Comment Give me freedom over 9 to 5 and a boss (Score 1) 340

I know it's not following the narrative, but I don't want to be a paid employee. I want to be a contractor. In doing so, I can just sign in and work as much or as little when I want and where I want. With employment status, sure I get sick pay, paid vacation and so on, but the price of that comes with having to clock in and out. Set hours. Set days. Supervisors. Rules. All the trappings of "traditional job" which I don't want. Nobody is forcing people to work in the gig economy. You make your choice. I am sure some of you will argue that some people don't have a choice because they need to make some money somehow. Well, that's true for anything. I'm sure there are countless people that don't want to work the crappy job they have in a fast food restaurant, code monkey cubicle, retail store, warehouse, or whatever crappy job you care to name. I want freedom. I chose freedom. You can't have both. It doesn't work that way.

Comment How will we get people to take it? (Score 1) 60

There's one huge problem that people are not talking about. Once we do have a vaccine that's shown to protect against covid-19 how will we get people to actually take it? We need to get most people vaccinated to wipe this thing out. There are already many idiots refusing to not wear masks or social distance. There are many more anti vaxxers already. It's obvious that many will refuse to take it because "reasons."

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