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Comment 2015 Will Definitely Not... (Score 1) 134

Be the best year for investments in renewable energy. The decline in fossil fuels across the board will kill the incentive to find renewable energy. The U.S. manipulation of the oil market in order to cripple Russia will have profound effects, but the reality is that oil and combustion technology will continue to lead the way for the next decade. And remember, even with manipulation, The Market is not Random.

Comment Re:Overpopulation and Length of Sentencing (Score 1) 229

I have done everything possible to show my remorse. I have forfeited every asset. I have accepted my responsibility, and I am working on my books in order to make full restitution to my victims via my "Five Mill to Freedom Campaign."

The misconception that my criminality did not lead to immense knowledge is wrong. I worked 3am-4pm every single day, as provable by my trading records. That information resulted in me writing, "The Market is Not Random.", and the forthcoming fictional portrayal of how to save our debt situation, "The White Swan."

Only by reaching an audience of hundreds of millions will I be able to make things right to those I have harmed.

Comment Overpopulation and Length of Sentencing (Score 3, Interesting) 229

As a former federal inmate (Read my story via The Market is Not Random), I was able to witness the expanding overcrowding of the system. The United States Sentencing Commission has been stating for many years that prison sentences are too long, and that non-violent criminals (like me) are prime candidates for alternative sentencing. In fact, regardless of crime, the majority of Americans believe a prison sentence of 2.6 years is long enough.

That said, I don't see that as the complete problem. Once released, federal inmates are subject to supervised release sometimes in excess of 10-15 years. The ability to track the ever expanding populous of inmates does a disservice to tracking the non-reformed. If one was to believe that prison did not lead to reform, then the proper conclusion is that all prisons (including myself) should be executed, regardless of crime.

Comment Absurd (Score 2) 281

As anyone knows, Google receives several federal subpoenas, and it attempts to cooperate with as many as possible. It has to as a public, U.S. based entity. It seems ludicrous that Schmidt would make this claim, but unless someone has gone through this system like I have (read my story here The Market is not Random), I guess they wouldn't know everything the governments are capable of doing.

Careful, Mr. Schmidt.

Comment As a Market Lover (Score 2, Interesting) 107

I find the emergence of bitcoin and other virtual currencies alarming. We have "free markets," that are governed by some type of ruling bodies be it the IMF or the Fed (not a government entity, for those that didn't know). However, the acceptance of an unregulated currency is strife with the ability for fraud and manipulation. However, as a stock trader (see my blog The Market is not Random), the emergence of these currencies that trade on pure technical patterns is something that must be embraced if it becomes publicly accepted.

I just hope it does not become publicly accepted. Can someone help convince me that bitcoin is the way to go?

Comment As a Federal Inmate (Score 2) 209

Although I knew that I would lose several civil rights, such as carrying a firearm, etc. I never believed that being put into the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Prisons would mean that my personal health history would be shared across thirty-five departments. I do not mind this, and it does not surprise me. However, this is just another example of big brother making decisions that are outside of my control.

See my story at The Market is not Random.


Comment Time is an Art (Score 1) 107

If you are someone who researches the financial markets, there was a famous trader going back to the late 1800s named W.D. Gann. Gann's analysis of time was always that it was a subjective, illusory edge with respect to defining market movements, but that the definition was quantifiable at the highest of levels. In my book, "The Market is not Random.," I explore this subject more and think it is relevant for this conversation.

What's more, I think this article's timing is perfect with the recent theatrical release of "The Theory of Everything."

So, /. is time real or is it imaginary?

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