Comment Re:Bleh... (Score 5, Interesting) 193
Did you ever stop to consider the ramifications for companies that don't try "to cash in" on a SUCCESSFUL (meaning monetary) strategy. They become a blip on the software industry radar, and then they die. Some Slashdotters may not like Microsoft Windows, but I don't think you can argue about the success of their product, so it would only make common sense for other companies looking to grab a chunk of the market to adapt to existing markets, which would mean reaching a certain level of "Windows-ness."
I mean, if they announced their compatability with RedHat or Suse networks, would you be more impressed? RedHat and Suse aren't really breaking any new ground technologically, so what's the pull with those operating systems over Xandros?
After using RedHat for several years, I have grown tired with some of their short comings. Xandros addresses these issues and more, so I made the switch and I haven't looked back.