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Comment Linux Mint 21 (Score 1) 164

Linux Mint 20.2 xfce.
$ sudo su -
# cd /
# ls -laR | wc -l
There is overhead in that command; I am guessing about 11.5M files.
Computer is a
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
Nvidia 1660
RAM: 32 GB
All power savings turned OFF. My money! But runs pretty cool anyway.
This is a Windows-Free site.
Got three of these running my Trucking Business.
All business software written "in house" by me.

Comment Re:What does it look like? (Score 3, Informative) 97

I tried to watch the video. 18 minutes+ The guy just rambles on and on. What could have been a 2 minute video, was, after 9 minutes had just got to taking the covers off - and he never explained how. Must be rocket science. After the 9 minutes my eyes glazed over. Stopped the video playback. Alas, many You Tube videos are like that.

Comment Privacy? (Score 1) 161

Back when Facebook and Twitter came out, I looked into it. I remember Zucherberg stating that they make their money selling your data.
So, I never signed up. Likewise, my 17yro grandaughter here does not do it either. Why would I want to have that company use MY data?
On the other hand, if FB was not allowed to use your data, it would go belly up shortly.

I wonder if Amy Kochublar is on F.B.? I wouldn't know. But if she is (Twitter is similar), the what the hell is she complaining about?

Comment Re:Let's be clear about this: it's half-assed (Score 1) 66

Indeed, guy wires. Or, even guy ropes. On my self supporting ham radio tower, it used to sway 3 ft at the top. Alarming. So I put in a set of 3 ropes,
just 3/8 diameter. I used non-stretch rope. Sway now only 12" of less. And less jerky. About $50.

I envision 3 ropes on that rocket. When its time to launch, just cut them off at ground level and let them dangle. They will vaporize in no time. Of course,
rocket scientists are going to have apoplexy over this suggestion.

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