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Submission + - Software engineers have the best US jobs (

D H NG writes: According to a new study by, software engineers have the best jobs of 2011 in the United States, based on factors such as income, working environment, stress, physical demands and job outlook, using Labor Department and Census data. Mid-level software engineers make between $87,000 and $132,000 a year, putting them in the top 25% of the 200 professions studied by income. Software engineers beat out last year's number one job, actuary, which came in third, behind mathematician.

Submission + - Russian team prepares to penetrate Lake Vostok (

Lanxon writes: Lake Vostok, which has been sealed off from the world for 14 million years, is about to be penetrated by a Russian drill bit. The lake, which lies four kilometres below the icy surface of Antarctica, is unique in that it's been completely isolated from the other 150 subglacial lakes on the continent for such a long time. It's also oligotropic, meaning that it's supersaturated with oxygen — levels of the element are 50 times higher than those found in most typical freshwater lakes.

Submission + - How Deep Is the Ocean? (

Velcroman1 writes: Using lead weights and depth sounders, scientists have made surprisingly accurate estimates of the ocean's depths in the past. Now, with satellites and radar, researchers have pinned down a more accurate answer to that age-old query: How deep is the ocean? And how big? As long ago as 1888, John Murray dangled lead weights from a rope off a ship to calculate the ocean's volume — the product of area and mean ocean depth. Using satellite data, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) set out to more accurately answer that question — and found out that it's 320 million cubic miles. And despite miles-deep abysses like the Mariana Trench, the ocean's mean depth is just 2.29 miles, thanks to the varied and bumpy ocean floor.

Comment Re:Summary (Score 1) 225

TL;DR so translate: MS had OS mono, but that was cool as long as they don't push it moar. MS made OS+IE Mono to the booya in th sea. Sharks called em on it with teeth. MSPimp did bad, has to split yo beetches turf. But that wen't da gutter as The Man pokes out of turn. go fuck it all. 15 moar punks line up but we flow'd the bink to 'dem and gone. Crips & Bloods stood with weasels -- so to dem receive a roadside stripper club to bite.\Shit git broked and Dubya, hard marched in on mad blow and said FU and FU and FU, ur coool, and FU. MS ben into this and Tax break for mie boya and go booha to the Cali posse right? Vista is cookin... and look at that till W'7 and we'll stat again.

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