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Comment Re:For the airplane geeks... (Score 1) 317

Last time I went out on a multi-day hike, I took neither. Among the group, there was one GPS and no compasses. Unless you are hiking cross-country without any trails at all, you'd have to be a moron to get lost, even with no map and compass.

The National Park Service has a term for people like you, "Touron". You carry the map and compass for when you get lost because you were so pig headed that you thought the game run was the trail. Do you also drink the water right from the stream because "it's all natural spring water!" and then don't understand why you get the shits a week later?

Comment Re:Analytics reporting blind users? (Score 1) 168

Option 1
1. access a google settings page
2. click check box that says, "i am using a screen reader"
3. google reports the number of users that access your site that have opted in

Option 2
1. screen readers offer the option to modify the browser string
2. report browser string to server logs/google
3. count the browser strings with screen readers in the logs or read google's stats

Yup, there is an education issue with #1 and an implementing issue with #2. People are going to be miss counted. That can be compensated for.

You may assist by educating people for #1, implementing for #2, or coming up with a much better idea for #3.

Comment Re:Analytics reporting blind users? (Score 1) 168

And how exactly do you propose Google gather the data? The browser doesn't know the user is using a screen reader and, consequently, can't report it.

Hence opt-in. Users that wanted to identify themselves could state that they are using a screen reader and Google just reports to the site that the user claims to use a screen reader.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 168

Isn't it terrible, how society coddles the weak, the sick, the old, the feeble, the lame, the blind? The whole-bodied majority are weighed down and forced to drag the defectives with us into the future.

Perhaps you're recommending a little racial hygiene?

<sarcasm>Yes, the world is an awful place for the able-bodied. Have you kicked your orphan today?</sarcasm>

Comment Re:New blacktop for the road to hell (Score 1) 168

I am getting way OT, but I'm looking at the percentage of gays and the percentage of blind people, noticing they are the same and getting a kick out of it. I don't have any thing against blind people, but for about 3% of the population, we spend a decent amount to make your life better. There are even special noise making (annoying) cross walks.

I'm happy to deal with a trivial "annoyance" like a beeping cross walk if it grants access access to the blind. I also didn't realize that visual imparment was around 2.6%. I presumed it was much smaller. Wikipedia states total blindness is at ~0.26%, but even so, it is a significantly large percentage to just let the crosswalk beepers beep.

Hurray for blind people. I am glad our society finally realized blindness wasn't a symptom of the Devil and has decided to help those with a disability; if only we can get half of that for gays.

Agreed. It doesn't matter if you think gays were born that way or it is a choice. It doesn't matter if you agree like or despise the gay population. No matter what, gays deserve equal protection under the law.

Comment +1 Insightful (Score 1) 168

This used to be a really evil thing, but now it's a blessing in disguise. The right way of making a web page (nice clean <p>s and unordered lists, alts on all the images, styled with CSS) is extremely accessible. The more people do that, the better!

If I had mod points, you would get some!

I have said this for years. It forces people to learn to use CSS properly in order to be 508 compliant. It also has the benefit of (hopefully) weeding out so many of the "programmers" that give web programming a bad name. If a company has to legally make a site 508 compliant, then we won't have all of these horrendous websites that only work in IE nor will we have the programmers that make them still in the field. Hey! My bank! I'm looking at you!!!!

Of course, I'm sure that the legislation will be fubar somehow...

Comment Re:They physically own the box (Score 1) 236

You should get familiar with your rights, then. Landlords have to give 24 hour notice before entering your apartment. Failure to do this constitutes breaking and entering and I have taught one of my landlords this lesson the hard way.

I discovered that here in Champaign, IL USA that landlords that just enter your apartment with no notice, and even without knocking basically have no repercussion. My lease states that they have to give 24 hours notice, but entering my apartment to "chat" (I think that the person was thinking that no one was home wanted to steal a few valuables) with me while I'm not even clothed isn't enough to do anything in criminal nor civil court. Avoid JSM Apartments in Champaign for all you future University of Illinois students!

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