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Comment Meh. (Score 1) 892

"Space" combat will look like combat on earth, with people lasing other counties satellites on day 1, which will be the entirety of the space phase. The rest will use standard current surface tech, because we're too lazy to actually significantly leave the planet.

Comment Re:Null hypothesis my ass (Score 1) 916

The answer to all the "can God create an X so Yish that he cannot Z, the obvious answer is "Yes, he just chooses not to Z the X. Because when you're omnipotent won't and can't are equal. Don't confuse having the power to do everything with being forced into doing everything all the time."

Though if I were God, everyone who posed me these sorts of questions would get their favorite item of rhetorical musing landed on their house every time they pestered me with it.


What To Do When a Megacorp Wants To Buy You? 412

Anonymous Entrepreneur writes "I run a small technology startup company; so small that our offices are still located in a room in my home. We are just some young friends, fresh from college, and we haven't started having regular sales, as 99% of our time is invested in development. A large corporation has just approached us, trying to persuade us to sell our company. The money is fair enough, and the employment conditions would seem excellent, since they would enable us to manage good-sized motivated teams, but we are very emotionally attached to our development and we place great importance to being independent. We founded our company because we didn't want to follow rules. We wanted to be the ones who make the rules instead. Money really doesn't mean much to us as long as we can do whatever we want while excelling at our passions. We feel that by accepting the offer, we couldn't achieve the maximum of our potential, and one of us joked that if we get in contact with the corporate environment and accept their money, we risk becoming lazy. Another member is more pragmatic, saying that accepting some money now is better than waiting for the development to go gold, even though all of us agree that if we finished our thing, we'd earn more than what the corporation has offered us. We would be very interested to know your thoughts and viewpoints, especially if you have ever faced a similar dilemma."

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