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Comment entitled... (Score 0) 188

Not saying this necessarily as a bad thing, but it seems the younger generations are more about "cater to my whims", whereas the US school system (more or less most of the world?) has always been about force feeding everyone the same fundamental knowledge from a broad spectrum of fields that don't give a flying F about anyone's whims. More focus DOES need to be placed on trades, which can be financially solid and often can be more rewarding on a personal level. There's very little reason for people to finish high school and waste their life working fast food, living in some subsidizes S hole waiting for government hand outs and getting high all the time to escape from reality... unless they're just pure lazy as F, in which case F em.

Comment There's always room for 'better' (Score 0) 92

Qualcom being the only game in town isn't good for anyone but Qualcom, so I hope Apple eventually bi*ch slaps them the same way they slapped intel. Every giant in every industry deserves a regular dose of bi*ch slapping, otherwise they just end up raping consumers unchallenged.

Comment yay (Score 0) 241

I loved Office up till version 2010, at which point we (the educational agency I work for) switched to Google Apps for everything. The last 2 years have made me appreciate the "always there exactly as I left it everywhere I access it" of the Google solution. The fact that its free for us (educational agency) didn't hurt one bit either. Re buying all those Microsoft licenses every few years got old. I'm sure Office365 or whatever has a lot of neat stuff, but quite frankly its not free, probably full of bugs (since its new), probably still somehow bloated, and therefore still not worth it in comparison. I'd never go back to office in a million years.

Comment ?HUH? (Score 0) 388

that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard, especially about programmers. unless your skillset is limited to some ancient unused language, i'd take a 50 year old programmer with real world understanding of architecture and code flow over half a dozen college squirt outs any day.

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Released 284

Shining Celebi writes "Mozilla has released Firefox 3.6 today, which adds support for Personas, lightweight themes that can be installed without restarting the browser, and adds further performance improvements to the new Tracemonkey Javascript engine. One of the major goals of the release was to improve startup time and general UI responsiveness, especially the Awesomebar. You can read the full set of release notes here."
The Almighty Buck

Virtual Currency Becomes Real In South Korea 203

garylian writes "Massively is reporting that the South Korean Supreme Court has stated that virtual currency is the equivalent of real-world money. For those of you who might not be drawing the link, the core there is that selling in-game currency for real money is essentially just an exchange of currency and perfectly legal in South Korea. This could have sweeping implications for RMT operations the world over, not to mention free-to-play games and... well, online games in general. The official story is available online from JoongAng Daily."

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