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Comment Re: I “respond only to urgent matters” (Score 3, Interesting) 140

I have a deal: you donâ(TM)t call/interrupt me during working hours for minuscule matters, then Iâll help you anytime if something urgent and important pops up. anyone who follows that is happy, otherwise I have enough power to ignore you - including during office hours. donâ(TM)t waste my time, then iâll not waste yours.

Comment Stay with the Expert-System and make it visible (Score 1) 261

I have been in a similar situation, and what worked very well for me (just as keywords, just google it or get a book): 1. make the work, priorities and non-work visible through visual management techniques (Kanban Board etc.) -> see Lean 2. explicitly limit parallel work, think of your team as a laser not as a lightbulb 3. talk with your team about how different decisions are made, try to keep the decisions with the experts (them): see delegation poker or delegation board from management 3.0 4. They want to make the right things, really: Think about all information they need to do make the right decisions, (from business perspective, not limitied to tech) and provide them with that. Trust them. 5. remove non-work items. Meetings, calls, e-mails, etc. my most happy and productive current team does not own a phone, and has received less than 1000 mails in one year, including notifications - 8 people.
Open Source

Submission + - Nmap Developers release a picture of the Web (nmap.org)

iago-vL writes: The Nmap Project recently posted an awesome visualization of the top million site icons (favicons) on the Web, sized by relative popularity of sites. Once again proving that they're the kings of scanning, this project used the Nmap Scripting Engine, which is capable of performing discovery, vulnerability detection, and anything else you can imagine with lightning speed. We saw last month how an Nmap developer downloaded 170 million Facebook names, and this month it's a million favicons. I wonder what they're going to do next?

Comment Re:Of course! (Score 5, Insightful) 264

I think he knows that his experimental data is crap. The note on the dirtiness of the procedures in the abstracts hints to the fact, that he put out one sample and accidentally found what could be something hyper-interesting. Out of fear of being out-published by someone else, he put out this paper, that - if this is an RT superconductor - he can (rightly) claim having discovered it (leading to wealth and nobel price). Now he can go back an do some proper experiments.

Vaccine Patch Removes Needle Pain 250

wog777 writes "Researchers led by Mark Prausnitz of Georgia Institute of Technology reported their research on microneedles in Sunday's edition of Nature Medicine. A microneedle contains needles so small you don't even feel them. Attached to a patch like a Band-Aid, the little needles barely penetrate the skin before they dissolve and release their vaccine."

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