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Comment Not quite so late, but... (Score 3, Interesting) 146

I was related to Mary Coyle Chase (author of Harvey). After she died in 1981 I helped clear out some things from her house. We found a book which had been checked out of the Denver Public Library in 1929. It was really fun returning it. I asked how much the fine was. The person at the circulation desk called the head librarian, and after a good laugh, they said there wouldn't be a fine.

Comment Re:Hi, I'm a Mac! :-) (Score 1) 932

You have hit the nail on the head. It doesn't matter how good your digital security is, if people are clicking on every malware link they can find. So... I'm afraid I have to agree. Moving to a mac is the quickest way to cut your management time. I moved my mother to Mac a few years ago (when she was 72) and suddenly the support calls stopped. I understand there are some barriers here... price for one, but then go for a mac mini. With 9 & 26 year-olds in the house, I'm guessing there might be some gaming going on. In that case see if one of the systems running Windows can be isolated a bit (either off net, or by removing browsers -- or hiding in the case of Explorer). Otherwise, look at the security add-ons for firefox. Keep your anti-virus up to date. Good luck!

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