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Comment Re:GNOME (Score 2) 117

Back when both Rasterman and Alan Cox worked at Red Hat, Alan had mentioned doing a security audit of Raster's code and made a comment that it was rather spagghetti-like.

After the big news of Raster angrily quitting Red Hat, rumours circlated and Alan came out and posted on Slashdot apologizng to Raster stating that he didn't mean to offend him if that's what it was. It wasn't Alan, but an unnamed middle manager that caused Raster to quit.

Comment Re:User ID vs year joined? (Score 2) 247

When Slashdot finally implemented user accounts, there was a bit of paranoia about people losing their anonymity and I held off joining until finally one of the features was too juicy to have...I think it was one of the ways to sort posts :)

Back then, or a little before, you could essentially read every post every day without it taking TOO much of your time. LOL.

Comment Re:Correct (Score 1) 665

Older versions of Apache and IIS could not handle multiple SSL sites using the same IP address.

The problem (in past versions) was that if the host-header was encrypted, how was the web server to know which site's certificate to process?

But newer versions of Apache and IIS7 can do it. Actually I haven't done it with Apache yet, but I'm pretty sure it can do it now.

Comment how do I hide pr0n quickly? (Score 3, Funny) 797

The GNOME developers clearly don't surf for porn or they don't do it in an environment where they could get caught :)

It's like there's a unified anti-porn conspiracy. First Ubuntu makes me lose the ability to quickly cube rotate to another workspace, now GNOME prevents me from quickly minimizing. I hope they at least retain the ability to set the mouse scroll-wheel on the titlebar to shade windows! :)

Comment hoping for better Hyper-V guest support (Score 1) 325

The current Linux Integration Components are still very error-prone, at least on non-supported Linux distributions like Debian/Ubuntu. I make sure to take a snapshot before doing any apt-get upgrades because it's borked my filesystem many times. I think it might have something to do with the Microsoft modules using /dev/hdx instead of /dev/sdx.

Comment Re:Please answer some questions about Lost (Score 1) 955

Sorry. I can't answer all of your questions, but I answered the ones where I'm pretty sure are correct.

2) Everyone died at different times. They all died, whenever they died, for whatever reason. We assume that the concept of "time" isn't relevant in the afterworld. That's why they could all be there together but had died at different times.

3) Everyone in that fake LA after-death world had died. And that's why they were in the afterworld.

4) Penny could have died of old age for instance.

7) We eventually find out it wasn't really a flash sideways. More like flash into the future where everyone had died.

8) Uncorking was a mistake. Which is why they went back to re-cork it.

9) Richard character was used as a plot device for a variety of things...

10) I suppose he could have...

11) I don't think so.

Comment Island was sunk due to Global Warming? :) (Score 1) 955

I'm guessing that the melting of the polar ice-caps was the reason why we see the island underwater at the start of Season 6 :)

We know that by uncorking the island, it crumbles to pieces, yet all the stuff underwater was preserved.

So maybe it took place well into the future where Hurley and Ben figured out a way to protect the island and die (and thus meet up with the rest of them in that fake-LA-afterdeath world).

Comment Re:I was in a hot tub with a Chinese national and (Score 1) 249

If she's that brainwashed I'm not sure she can easily change her opinion.

A while back, there was a Slashdot story about a Debian developer quitting because Debian decided to include a locale option for Taiwan. I think that developer lived outside of China so wasn't subjected to censorship anymore...I think he was living in Australia. In any case, a single option buried amongst hundreds that pissed him enough to make him quit. Then there was a slashdot poster that got upset/defensive at how the discussions about it were going and lashed out writing how non-Chinese people would "never" be able to understand why China would be willing to go to war (and therefore have people on either side die) just to own Taiwan.

Comment Anarchist Communism (Score 2, Interesting) 869

For those saying how the photo doesn't make any sense because the Joker was all about anarchy and Obama is socialist (or socialist-leaning), I recently came across this seemingly conflicting political view:

Anarchist communism advocates the abolition of the state, private property and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production,[1][2] direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers' councils and/or a gift economy through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs.

So perhaps an Anarchist Socialist is possible! :)

Comment Re:It's not about the government (Score 4, Interesting) 269

I wonder how many of those people proudly wearing the maple leaf are actually Americans? While traveling in Europe about 6-7 years ago, I met around four people outside bars and restaurants who were Americans pretending to be Canadians. At this point, I just assume anyone wearing a Canadian flag on them is really just an American in disguise :)

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