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Comment Re:Seems like you can account for them. (Score 5, Informative) 199

Someone calculated this, and concluded that satellites will remain visible for a few hours after sunset and before sunrise. In the summer, some of them would always be visible, in the winter there would be a few hours without a satellite ( see e.g. the Guardian article, ). Astronomers already automatically remove satellites from images, but that does lead to a loss of data. If there are this many satellites, it might well be that automatic removal of satellites makes it impossible to observe.

Comment Re:Ear plugs work better (Score 1) 436

It's especially more effective toward the people around you, who have to endure your musical choices because you maxed out your headphone volume and they're hearing the music better than you.

This is not completely true in an airplane: at least in my case, the volume that I listen to is set to have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio between the music and the airplane's noise. If I put earplugs in, the audio is blocked with some fraction, but the airplane's noise is equally blocked, hence I don't need a higher volume when I put earplugs in. The earplugs make the absolute volume just more bearable.

Comment Re:To limit RFI? (Score 1) 99

Singe dish telescopes generally fall into the second category of observatories that are affected by low-level RFI, and I'm pretty sure that holds for FAST. But even for e.g. the Murchison RA observatory that only has interferometers, they do test equipment beforehand, because they are a problem. ( I'm also a radio astronomer )

Comment Re:To limit RFI? (Score 5, Informative) 99

While turning a cellphone into airplane mode probably solves the problem for 90%, the digital electronics inside a cellphone that is turned on still cause some RFI. That's why for most radio quiet zones, electronic devices that need to enter the radio quiet zones are carefully tested / selected before bringing them on site.

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