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Comment Re:The Death of SPARC? (Score 1) 207

Oh come on that is not in the Spirit of Open Source. Free is Free no matter what the real overhead it.

I'm not denigrating it, I would love to run Linux or OpenSolaris on an OpenSPARC but I don't have the time to solder that many transistors together, anyway the OpenSPARC documentation is in a hardware description language not the traditional logic-gated schematic that I was expecting.

Comment Re:Daily Mail crap (Score 1) 312

A government dept considering a thing is far from the same thing as doing it....

I think they leaked the proposal to gauge the public's appetite for taxing on-line ads.
They don't have the balls to come out with something just in case they look foolish so they leak, gauge reaction then decide wether to go with it.

why should they not consider all options, even the stupid ones like this one?

I thought my taxes were for the underprivileged and less-well-off, the BBC doesn't strike me as such.


Games That Could Have Been 99

Gamespot, to accompany a piece on the art of pitching a game has up a companion article on a few good pitches from talented developers that never quite made it into games. My favorite of the three, from Will Wright: "I've always been fascinated with airships, and I wanted to do a game about the Hindenburg. And it was originally conceived as a cross between Myst and a flight simulator, if you can imagine that. You basically wake up on the Hindenburg. You're all alone. It's flying toward Lakehurst, New Jersey. You can walk anywhere on the ship. You can turn lights on and off. You can steer. You can adjust the engines. But every time you come into Lakehurst, it blows up. And you have to figure out why, and it becomes like this weird mystery flight simulator thing. I'd still love to do that."

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