Comment Re:You miss the point of the 360 entirely... (Score 1) 774
Alright. I didn't clarify myself. The proplem I have with most "cutting edge" games is that they require a comparitively huge amount of dedication to learn even a button masher feels like it has too many variables and time committement for basic play.
The 360 is a fantastic piece of technology but by the very complexity and cost of entry to get involved in the experience it is going to at the very begining at least only appeal to the serious fans that commit the time and effort to get the resulting gaming exerience. The xbox is marketed towards that kind of player pure and simple. That is the hard core player!
Despite what you may think I am a gamer. I have been for well over twenty years now but not the kind of player that Xbox is marketed towards. I play some kind of game every day one some kid of equipment be it console, p.c. or even my phone. I'm not a Nintendo fan boy. I have owned an N64 but have also owned systems by Atari, Coleco and Sony and p.c.s all the way back to my Commodore 64.
I stand by my statement that Nintendo has a good concept in going after a broader less hard core audiance that still wants to play.