"priority bandwidth" does not mean faster bandwidth, it means slower for the others and the customers have no choice in this. Shut up and support net neutrality!
Another company ruined by WIndows 8. Why don't computer manufacturers switch already to GNU/Linux distros? ElementaryOS, LinuxMint, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE. There are lots of choices.
I have a System76 Galago UltraPro and I got used to the clickpad in 2 weeks. I can even play FPS games on it without a mouse. It's really cool. It also has a right click button just like most desktop keyboards.
I have a System76 Galago and it's pretty cool. The keyboard has some issues but they created a new keyboard model and they are shipping them for free to any Galago owner. It's easy to replace too... just 4 screws.
Yeah.... but System76 takes care of stuff like broken microphone drivers or bad keyboard. They take Clevo and put Ubuntu on it and make sure everything is ok. I have a System 76 Galago Ultra Pro with HDD AND SSD with a ArchLinux and Debian on it and it works great. I have a killer wireles board with open source wifi drivers.
They keyboard was not that great but they are sending new ones to everybody who wants them. They developed a brand new keyboard model witch fixes the old keyboard issues. It's easy to change also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqIj1T-LKrc
BSD think of the freedom of the distributor, the GPL thinks of the freedom of the user. I see myself as a user, you see yourself as a proprietary distributor.
BSD code helps build DRMed jails for Sony and Apple. I prefer a license that disallows this. I want to share my code with anyone in the world who does not to build proprietary stuff (for building new software). And share my software with anyone for usage, regardless of the purpose.
Apple is the bully who took your 3 lunch sandwiches, added ketchup to one of them and gave it back to you and made you say "thank you sir for the ketchup".
Chromium is free software. Google Chrome and Safari are not. If Google did not want to publish Chromium, it did not. The LGPL license is weak copyleft not strong copyleft.