Comment Result: it works (Score 1) 70
What a boring article.
What a boring article.
So what happens if I don't install any AV-product and also don't use the Microsoft AV-Solution?
Since nothing could set the RegKey, I also don't get updates?
Upgrade your damn iOS device.
That's what happens when the community is the mod.
It finally works!
Someone please explain in a few words, what kind of "sector" that is supposed to be.
Oh how that worm has turned. 5 years ago, fandroids couldn't shut up about core count and speed.
Well, of course. Back then, phones were severly limited by their CPU. This isn't the case anymore, so nobody cares.
Driving is a privilege and here is why:
In this day and age, you can connect a mouse and keyboard to your console.
I wanted to mod you as "underrated" but now I had to comment.
@some other mod: Please mod up parent as "underrated"
You still need to use a special app from the appmarket to "implant" your ringtone into the system, because you can't just say from the system menu: "Use this file"
You know that not only Apple makes smartphones that you don't have to carry around in a suitcase, right?
BIG facepalm please.
You're a fat retard.
Is there a source to this? The linked article doesn't link anywhere else or gives a source.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith