One thing that might derail this is if Western countries put up tariffs on China, which is the leading producer of synthetic diamonds and is driving down prices.
Most of the people moving away from California are ending up in red states. Giving those states more representation in the House and making it even more difficult for Democratic presidential candidates.
This is why I don't allow any financial apps to automatically log in and even save the username of the account. Thinking about this made me realize that someone can order their overpriced products on the Amazon app and order it without any additional authentication as long as the phone is unlocked.
There's a huge difference in how the games run on Xbox console compared to PCs. As fixed hardware specs allow developers to optimize their games for that specific hardware. Even doing some low level optimizations that won't be done for PCs. It's clear to see when you build a PC with comparable hardware as consoles. You'll need a higher level PC build just to match the consoles. This is why I recommend people who don't have or need high end PCs just to get the consoles.
There's no way the Senate will ratify this treaty while Biden is in office. Trump could revisit later when he wants brownie points from his authoritarian buddies.
Epic could have just played by Appleâ(TM)s rules while trying to get changes through lobbying and the courts. They lost hundreds of millions of dollars by not being on iOS, and COD Mobile has taken their lunch. Itâ(TM)ll be an uphill battle for Fornite to overtake COD Mobile at this point. Good thing Epic is privately owned because there would be shareholder lawsuits otherwise.
Fair enough. She values her convenience of having all her files and not having to manually backup on her PC/Mac more than AUD$180. I personally would just spend few seconds every few weeks or months manually backing up and pocket the AUD$180.
This. You can backup all the data listed in this suit on the free 5 GB of cloud space Apple provides. I personally use Amazon Prime to store my photos instead of paying Apple. Most of the people paying for higher cloud space from Apple are for photos.
There are other ways to limit the number of human drivers without banning them. Things like higher registration fees and insurance costs. Other restrictions could be that human drivers have to stay in slower lanes on highways with lower speed limits.
Do they need Epic? Mobile games make more money than consoles and PC games combined. And yes, the top end phones have been getting more powerful over the years to run the latest Unreal Engine games, but low to mid tier phones have seen vastly lower performance gains. Those consumers prefer other features over raw performance.
Iâ(TM)ve worked on few projects partly funded by the US federal government and this kind of clauses are common. You have to use US manufactured parts and it has nothing to do with quality. Itâ(TM)s more to do with making sure the US based companies are benefiting from the tax payer funded projects. Sounds good in theory but in most cases imported parts are just as good and costs less.
That's one and the same guy who claimed Oumuamua was aliens and calls himself a space archeologist. He doesn't have any hard data to support his "theories" and gets all the press because he's a Harvard professor.
There won't be enough parking spaces, assuming two parking spots per unit. It'll even be a problem with one per unit. And no sane person will want to lease the lower floors for commercial businesses without enough parking to support the foot traffic. Community anchors like supermarkets require a lot of parking that these conversions can't provide.
Not to mention high HOA fees that'll rival mortgage payments even with current high interest rates.