Comment Re:Nothing to hide ? (Score 1) 77
Telekom Hijacks DNS in Germany and replaces ads with their ads.
Telekom Hijacks DNS in Germany and replaces ads with their ads.
I know, but you ALREADY have your $200 elgato dock, right?
You are actually right about the memory. Not sure about the SSD, which is ridiculously small. Come on, 256gb default on the 13"? Is this 2010? That's 200 bucks for a 512gb SD card. Oh wait, no SD card reader anymore...
the $4000 Microsoft iMac that runs windows? Thanks, but no, thanks. I am not the use case for that crap: painters and architects?
Nah, I pass.
And they already are as expensive as macs anyway
It appears as standard. When nothing maps to the the bar, esc is always there.
Now I want to see vi mappings for this bar!
Don't forget the $80 adapter from thunderbolt 3 to normal thunderbolt so you can plug in your $200 thunderbolt-to-usb dock where you can have a usb-to-ps2 adapter, connected to a ps2-to-xt keyboard adapter, though! IT'S MAGIC
Then get a model M and annoy the hell of your office mates!
Like that little computer named "chip"?
As I understand, it's pretty much consensus that more pesticides equals to less bees.... or am I totally wrong?
My machine is seven years old. It runs the latest mac os.
The machine I'm writing now is an Early 2009 Macbook. According to the "about my mac" menu, I'm running 10.9.5. So...?
Really? A LOT. People swear by fortran. Look at the codes running on the top 10 fastest supercomputers in the world. Fortran is about a third of it, if not more.
Ibm used to say for a time that REXX was the most used language in the world.
People coming from the CS background just hate Fortran, but that thing just doesn't go away. Physics and Math people love it.
The performance excuse is mostly excuse, you can have pretty much the same performance with C or well-made C++. The fact is that it's easier to come from a mathematical model to code in fortran than in C.
That depends on the small world you live at.
PHP WAS used for those things. People moved to ruby, python, etc. Which is bad, now when finally php does not suck anymore.
C is HUGE. The open-source world is C. Everything unix is C. Pretty much every compiler for other language is C. The embedded world is C as well.
Fortran is not legacy AT ALL. In my world, which is that of Supercomputing, about one third of new codes is in FORTRAN. It is simpler for the people in Math and physics fields to use it and achieve high speed using hundreds of thousand processors. (the other two thirds are roughly C and C++).
Perl and python are used for data analysis in science. And some R.
Python is used everywhere in Linux distributions.
Functional languages are used in wall street.
You can't even compare those with stuff like cold fusion.
"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks