I live in Saskatchewan (Canada), and we don't have DST, and the only real problem growing up was that TV programs kept bouncing around twice a year as other places changed their time. Sure, it was dark when we went to school. It just wasn't a problem.
My friends in other provinces complain about DST twice a year, and we just carry on with life. Heck, even the Yukon (right up beside Alaska) got rid of DST recently. They're slightly north of Michigan.
The only times I've had issues with DST have occured when I lived in areas that make the change.
My oldest yubikey has been on my keyring for just over 9 years now. Still works fine. My new one (a blue FIDO U2F one) is only 4 years old. It actually shows slightly more wear around the keyring. Must be a slightly softer plastic.
That is... SO COOL!
I think I'm hilarious.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Google Voice is only available in a whopping 1 of the 195 nations on this planet.
I had an account with a competitor named Gizmo back in the day. It routed calls over SIP directly to my Nokia N810. Worked beautifully here. Then Google bought Gizmo, shut it down, and still doesn't offer anything to those living in such far-off, mythical lands as... Canada.
I'm still grumpy about that.
I got a used Fitbit Flex for $45 (Canadian) over 3 years ago. The battery used to last about 7-8 days; now it lasts about 6-7 days. In that time I've had to do a reset on it once, and it has otherwise worked flawlessly.
It syncs in the background with my computer via tiny USB dongle, or I could connect it with my phone over bluetooth if I cared to install their app. I get updates about meeting my step goals and sleep using IFTTT.
I've had to replace the band a few times. I bought a cheap 10-pack off Amazon, and they seem to be the same quality as the original.
It just does what it's supposed to do.
If your life is awesome, you don't want/need a bunch of kids to feel important and you've got better things to do with your life than just pump out kids.
My life is awesome because I have kids. It's not an either/or sort of thing. They give me levels of joy that I never imagined before they were in my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Increasing the standard of living decreases population growth, especially when women get a piece of that action.
But I do agree with you there. Lower standards of living are often accompanied by lower life expectancy and higher infant/child mortality rates. More kids makes up for that, and provides more workers to help the family get more food, water, etc.
Increased education tends to lead to improved standard of living, leading to more sustainable and healthier populations. But we don't get rid of the children.
The letters IHS were the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus IHSOYS, which stood for Yahweh.
Just a nitpick (and I know you're quoting another site): The Greek name of Jesus is IHSOYS in Greek letters, or Iesous transliterated into English letters. It doesn't stand for Yahweh, God's name used in the Old Testament. It just says Jesus.
Awesome comment though.
There are a few hosted solutions like that as well. I'm using Blogtrottr now. Seems good and reliable. Feed My Inbox ran well for a few years, but shut down at the beginning of the year.
Email works great. We already have mature clients for reading them. And it doesn't become a separate inbox/site/client I need to check.
I cant imagine running full ubuntu on less than 1gig.
I run it just fine on a P4 with 512MB RAM. It's very smooth and fine for day-to-day use.
As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare