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Submission + - Google Storage is Now Available to All Developers (

aabelro writes: Google has announced at I/O 2011 the availability of their Storage service to all developers without the need for an invitation. The service has been enhanced with OAuth 2.0 support, simplified account management through the API Console, a new EU storage region, and a new API version.
The Military

Submission + - SPAM: Military: $42M to build advanced network control

coondoggie writes: "BBN, which was bought by defense giant Raytheon today, got almost $11 million to help build self-configuring network technology that would identify traffic, let the network infrastructure prioritize it down to the end user, reallocate bandwidth between users or classes of users, and automatically make quality of service decisions. The advance network technology is being developed by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and will include support for features like 32 levels of network traffic prioritization that will let data with a higher priority will be handled more expeditiously than traffic with a lower priority. [spam URL stripped]"
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Submission + - Google, Sony ink browser deal (

consonant writes: "FT is reporting that Google has reached a deal with Sony to ship Chrome on the Viao line of PCs.

Google confirmed that Sony PCs carrying Chrome had started to go on sale and said it was in talks for similar deals with other computer makers. It said the arrangement was "experimental" and part of wider efforts to boost distribution, including a deal to make Chrome available to internet users who download the RealPlayer software and the company's first use of television advertising.

While mainstream media coverage and financial details were very sparse, El Reg terms it a "Microsoft-snubbing deal". Google also mentioned it was pushing for similar deals with other vendors. Could this spell the beginning of the end for IE?"


Submission + - eBay sells Skype to Netscape founder

Julefrokost writes: "Computerworld has a story about eBay selling Skype. Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape along with a group of investors, are reported to have paid $2 Billion for Skype. According to New York Times, Google was also a potential buyer. Also the original founders of Skype are said to have placed a bid, but Marc Andressen & Co was the highest bidder."

Submission + - Opera 10.0 released ( 2

neonsignal writes: Opera 10 has been released. It now supports rich text email, the 'turbo' Opera proxy server feature, some HTML 5 support, XML 'pretty printing', extra skinning features, and a 100/100 score in the Acid3 test. There has been no official announcement as yet.

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