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Comment Penguin Computing Scyld ClusterWare (Score 1) 387

I worked on Penguin's HPC offering a few years back. It PXE boots all of the compute nodes in a lightweight manner, and builds the entire cluter into a single process space. Distributed process space means that a signal sent to a parent process running on one node gets correctly forwarded to a child process running on another. You will not find an easier way to manage the cluster than Scyld.

It can install on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux or the Comparable CentOS

Comment Scyld Beowulf From Penguincomputing (Score 1) 264

Disclaimer, I worked on the produce for a number of years. I now work at a different Linux company...

Scyld is built on top of Red Hat EL, can also run with CentOS, but uses a custom Kernel. It has a lightweight provisioning mechanism that makes maintenance of compute nodes very easy, and the single system image approach makes job management significantly easier than a traditional Beowulf cluster. I don't know if they test it out with Scientific Linux these days.

Comment Are we going to have to update the URL RFC? (Score 1) 284

Thee current RFC 1738 Only allows URLs to be composed of

" Within those parts, an octet may be represented by the chararacter which has that octet as its code within the US-ASCII [20] coded character set. In addition, octets may be encoded by a character triplet consisting of the character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits (from "0123456789ABCDEF") which forming the hexadecimal value of the octet. (The characters "abcdef" may also be used in hexadecimal encodings.)"

So A-Z and %ddd Just ain't gonna cut it.

Currently URLs are in the ASCII subset of utf-8. What are they going to be in in the future?

What about languages that go from right to left like Hebrew and Arabic?

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