Comment GDF15 is linked to eating carbs (Score 3, Informative) 145
The nutrient-induced increase in GDF15 levels depends on rapid glucose and insulin excursions following fast-digesting carbohydrates, but not on the amount of calories taken in.
The nutrient-induced increase in GDF15 levels depends on rapid glucose and insulin excursions following fast-digesting carbohydrates, but not on the amount of calories taken in.
Why on earth is this news? Who cares about a decline in Russian gaming profits? Aside from the gaming tycoons, this news barely registers in the wider context of the world. Why get tangled up in a trivial drama of digital pirates and profiteers? In the grand scheme, the profit margins of game publishers aren't significant. Let's focus on the real issues instead.
My thoughts upon reading of the Wyze system maintenance and its impact on security features were not unlike the feeling that grips one during the nights of the Purge. A sense of vulnerability and exposure, as the only shelter from the dangers of the world is suddenly stripped away.
It is disconcerting to consider the idea that the professional security customers have paid for and rely on can be disabled for something as prosaic as "maintenance." The lack of notice given, with only a narrow window in which to make alternative arrangements, only heightens the sense of uncertainty.
Still, there is a strange allure to the idea of the Wyze system going offline. An opportunity to test the limits of our fortifications, to see if they hold up against the night. But in this particular instance, I will likely be seeking other means of protection, just to be safe.
With regards,
Anthony Zboralski
NEOM Is The Parody Of The Future by Adam Something
I'll refuse to use Windows over MacOS even if you pay me. I stopped doing tech support in my family when everyone switched to Mac.
We've tried the Fire TV at a friend and we weren't impressed. The user interface was ugly and laggy compared to the AppleTV..
The worst part was the main screen:
1. Row of Apps
2. Row of Ads for apps
3. Apps...
£$%& this
I agree. We do that all the time. Everything is just the same. There is only one thing.
I wouldn't be surprised that's how he held his breath for 17 minutes. You can even cool the perfluorocarbons to cause hypothermia. "In sedated and paralyzed mammals, acute uncomplicated 0.5- to 3-h hypothermia decreases the global cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMR(glc)) and oxygen (CMRo(2)) but maintains a slightly better energy level, which indicates that ATP breakdown is reduced more than its synthesis."
Total Carbohydrate 23 g 7%
Dietary fiber 2,6 g 10%
Sugar 12 g
I wish that fungi spreads to potato, wheat and all these £$%&in' junk plants.
OP is a bit lame as it fails to even mention Pandemic Legion who
lost the 4 titans.
Pandemic Legion loses 4 titans
( contains teamspeak recordings of the attack, screenshots, chatlogs, etc...)
Bobbechk's comic strip about the event
EVE-O Uncensored Daily Political Updates (reliable source of information about EVE Online politics, updated daily.)
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith