Comment Elon to Announce Third Party Apps for Tesla Cars (Score 1) 80
The fact that Elon supports Epic reveals that Tesla will soon open up Tesla cars to third-party apps. We shall see what % Elon will tax.
Present day cars are constrained by software from the car manufacturers, just like "smart phones" of 2007. Subsequently third party apps were permitted to be installed on these "phones" which greatly expanded the utility of these devices. When Tesla opens up their "smart cars" to third party apps, as the phone manufacturer have done, diverse and rich library of automotive apps will blossom. Beyond gaming, drivers will have the option to use self-driving software from Tesla or a third-party, e.g. Apple or Google.
Considering how much Tesla currently charges for FSD software license, healthy competition is sorely needed. Elon is acutely aware of this inevitable next step and the world can't wait.