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User Journal

Journal Journal: predictions?

Man some of those predictions look bad two weeks in...
User Journal

Journal Journal: for the record

My NFL predictions 2006 at the start of the pre-season:

AFC East: Miami
AFC North: Pittsburgh
AFC South: Indianapolis
AFC West: San Diego

Wild Cards: Baltimore, New England, Jacksonville

NFC East: Washington
NFC North: Minnesota
NFC South: Carolina
NFC West: Arizona

Wild Cards: Seattle, Chicago, Dallas

User Journal

Journal Journal: published!

Got my first /. story submission accepted. It hasn't shown up yet, but the thing says "accepted". Props to Feral Lynn for the story, over on E-Sam. Of course, given like only 2 submissions (thought there was a 3rd, it was a novell one that was a dup) its not like I was trying.

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