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Comment Strawman argument (Score 0) 94

That's a total strawman. The issue is not do phone bans in school result in "getting higher grades or having better mental wellbeing", it's do the students enjoy school and each other more. Can they pay more attention in class. Can they appreciate their present more. They're asking the wrong questions and looking for the wrong metrics. (as usual)

Comment Queue $ to confuse the causes (Score 1) 53

Queue money to get scientists to confuse the cause of post-2020 increases in pathologies and all-cause-mortality. This is always the game plan. Pay for studies to muddy the waters on whatever it may be: tobacco, artificial food dyes, vaccines, statins, climate change, etc.. In this case they are so transparently desperate to obscure the impact of mRNA jabs on our health they'll use anything they can find that we might accept as having been increasing since 2020 which "could explain the rising curves in [bad stuff] since then". Nice try guys, we're not buying what you're selling!

Comment it's the cold temperatures (Score -1) 117

The deaths are coming from EXTREME COLD TEMPERATURES that may also be MORE COMMON because of climate change which is associated with more erratic and extreme temperatures. This is a GREAT REASON to ensure availability of fossil fuels for Europeans. If they continue trying to restrict and make insanely expensive heating oil and natural gas, PEOPLE WILL DIE.

Comment sandboxes (Score 0) 27

Who is allowing contract developers to have access to their repos from non-controlled endpoints? Get some VDI sandboxes that can only access blessed resources through http proxies with tls inspection mitm. This way you can limit the VDI instances to just your own repos and prevent PUT/POST/PATCH etc to sites that could allow exfiltration. Use proper DNS that will detect and block DNS exfil and you should be in good shape. Devs would have to code visual QR code type of tooling to exfil data from that type of environment which is not a super trivial task and you could detect it if you have a remote access broker that records sessions and/or takes screenshots of the sessions periodically. Securing your source code while allowing the use of contract or offshore devs is totally doable.

Comment Re:Not likely (Score 1) 177

BS. if you only rarely charge your battery over 80%, it will last and you'll only lose like 30% of the range after 12-15 years. So your 'old' 250 mile range at 80% vehicle will be down to a 'mere' 175 miles which is still perfectly adequate and probably not enough of a loss to make one spend 10k on a new battery pack.

Comment bull (Score 0) 177

Electric cars will go much much longer with only moderate cost work like a battery pack replacement. There's no comparison. ICE vehicles would need engine replacement or transmission replacement, wiring harnesses and other very expensive work that doesn't make sense. EV battery packs are only going to go down in price over the 'lifetime' of the car, too, so in reality there's just no comparison here.

Comment Re:Fiscal Responsibility (Score -1) 129

This is because the deep state/shadow govt/cabal/club whatever you want to call it WANT to bankrupt the govt. and gain Chinese-style total control over the population (which is highly assisted by the bankruptcy of the govt). When they got into power with Bush, they immediately set out to cut taxes and get into some forever wars (and pass the Patriot Act which had been on the shelf for years waiting for something like 9/11) so they could really get going on their Agenda.. After Bush, they switched parties and coopted the Left and found it much easier to spend, spend, spend. You need to look past the party affiliations and see the interests behind the surface that are actually pulling the strings -- hint, it's not Obama or Pelosi or Schumer or Biden... Trump is an existential threat to them because he doesn't believe in their Agenda. He's a patriot, a nationalist and believes the people are not sheep/cattle and deserve a chance to live a decent American life with all the opportunity that entails. The DS sees the people simply as cattle/sheep to feed off on.

Comment Look over there!! (Score 0) 212

I don't know about you, but I'm getting some real strong deflection vibes from this. Stop looking at the impact of vaccines on these issues and instead focus on good old scary Lead instead. I suspect lots of grants and other funding are coming available from BigPharma for work investigating alternatives to the 'growth in vaccines' narrative. If you were in charge of PR for the industry, that's what you'd do, wouldn't you? We're also seeing a lot of narratives around plastic, food additives and ultra processed foods as the explanation for the post-COVID excess deaths (even though that makes no sense at all of course). Clearly, if you're a researcher, you can now get plenty of $$ to push that narrative for obvious reasons.

Comment Globalist trojan horse (Score 1) 115

This could be a globalist trojan horse designed apply authoritarian controls on the free speech of Americans by proxy -- via speech laws in foreign states like the UK. At first it could appear to be about genuine cyber crime law enforcement but then slowly morph into the safeguarding of 'protected classes' from 'harmful speech' being classified as a cybercrime. That could then mean we see UK authorities wanting US citizens to be extradited for their speech on social media platforms they deem to be 'harmful' or 'hate' or 'incitement'. As we have seen in the UK and Ireland, the authorities there will classify just about anything they want that way and routinely throw their citizens in prison for nothing more than saying "there's too much immigration".

Comment Re:So what's the solution? (Score 0) 86

If the government was still doing lots of R&D, maybe we'd have alternatives that industry would be jump in to implement and make money on. We should be able to find something organic like wax to help waterproof/increase durability of cardboard for packaging for example. When i see my Le Croix 12-pack coated in plastic it drives me nuts. Why does all paper need to be coated in plastic now???

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