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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 5 accepted (9 total, 55.56% accepted)


Submission + - Google and Microsoft Agree to Stand Down in Patent Wars (

_0x783czar writes: Today Google and Microsoft have announced an end to litigious hostilities between themselves; signaling another step on the road to peace as the "global smartphone wars" wind down.

This moves settles 18 lawsuits in the US and Germany, including those involving Motorola Mobility's patents, which Google retained after selling Motorola Mobility to Lenovo. Both companies hope this move will help settle the smartphone wars and refocus their efforts on consumers:

"Google and Microsoft have agreed to collaborate on certain patent matters and anticipate working together in other areas in the future to benefit our customers"

This move follows suit with previous moves to settle the smartphone wars, such as when Apple and Samsung agreed to drop their international lawsuits against each other in 2014

Submission + - Google Sells Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for $2.91 Billion (

_0x783czar writes: Google today announced that they will be selling Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for the sum of 2.91 Billion USD. Google says that the move should allow the company to receive the attention and focus it deserves to thrive.

From the article: '...the smartphone market is super competitive, and to thrive it helps to be all-in when it comes to making mobile devices. It’s why we believe that Motorola will be better served by Lenovo—which has a rapidly growing smartphone business and is the largest (and fastest-growing) PC manufacturer in the world. This move will enable Google to devote our energy to driving innovation across the Android ecosystem, for the benefit of smartphone users everywhere.'

Google however was quick to add that this does not signal a move away from their other hardware projects.

Additionally "Google will retain the vast majority of Motorola’s patents" which they hope to continue using to stabilize the android ecosystem.
The deal has yet to be approved by either the U.S. or China.

Submission + - South Korean Court Rules That Phone Bloatware Must Be Deletable ( 1

_0x783czar writes: Starting this april, South Korea will require all phone vendors to allow pre-installed bloatware to be uninstalled. That's right, they will be able to get rid of all that pesky software without having to root their phones.

According to press release by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning: "The move aims to rectify an abnormal practice that causes inconvenience to smartphone users and causes unfair competition among industry players." They hope this will also increase the users' data storage and battery life.

From the article: "Under the new guidelines, telcos are required to make most of their pre-installed apps deletable except for four necessary items related to Wi-Fi connectivity, near-field communication (NFC), the customer service center and the app store."

It'd be nice if similar legislation where passed in the US and elsewhere.


Submission + - High Definition video of Curiosity's landing on Mars ( 2

_0x783czar writes: "NASA has released an Hi-Def video of Curiosity's landing. This video was captured in low res, and then extrapolated and re-rendered by Bard Canning, to produce the most stunning imagery ever captured on an alien world. It took Canning over a month to complete the process. He used motion tracking to add sound effects which in turn give you the sensation of the ride of your life."

Submission + - Forbes Names Microsoft's Steve Ballmer names worst CEO

_0x783czar writes: Microsoft haters gleefully have latched on to the latest scoop that a Forbes columnist has named Steve Ballmer the worst CEO. It seems that the article has leveled some strong accusations of irresponsible and ineffective business practices; claiming that Microsoft has not progressed over the last 12 years of Ballmer's leadership.

(full disclosure: I'm not a Microsoft fan myself and tend to agree with this piece.)

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